Urszula Woźnicka1, Łukasz Ciupiński2, Jacek Jagielski3, Monika Kubkowska4, Marek Stodulski1, Roman Zagórski4

1 The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland, (IFJ PAN)

2 Warsaw University of Technology (WUT)

3 National Center for Nuclear Research, Otwock/Swierk, Poland (NCBJ)

4 The Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, Warsaw, Poland, (IPPLM)


   The Wendelstein 7-X stellarator is now being assembled at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP), Greifswald, Germany. Polish involvement in the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator programme is quite large and covers many areas, started from cooperation on device assembly and development of the NBI system, structural and mechanical calculations through development of several diagnostics, like X-ray pulse height analysis PHA, C/O monitor system, neutron and microwave diagnostics, and modeling studies related to neutron MCNP calculations and 3D edge plasma simulations.

   The magnetic system of the Wendelstein 7-X consists of 20 planar and 50 non-planar superconducting coils toroidally arranged in five identical modules made of half-modules set with 2-fold rotational symmetry. Due to the complex geometry, the complex load pattern, and the nonlinear interaction between the components, the accurate analysis of the magnetic system of W7-X is only possible by numerical means.

   IPPLM Association has carried out the structural – mechanical analyses of this system since 2004. Among others, finite element parametric models of critical system elements have been developed at Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) in cooperation with the team of Structural Integrity at Max-Plank-Institute für Plasmaphysik (IPP) in Greifswald. Those models, built using ANSYS code, enabled semi-automatic numerical analyses of the connections and provided a better understanding of the structural behaviour of the joints, as well as enabled to study influences of tolerances, and to follow complex manufacture and assembly processes subjected to non-conformities after some manual modifications. Further details on these activities can be found in [1 - 3].

w7x halfmodule

A general view of the W7-X half-module FEM model.

   The Agreement on Cooperation between the Max-Planck-Institut fur Plasmaphysik in Garching and the Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow, Poland, (IFJ PAN) was signed off in 2007. According to the agreement IFJ PAN was responsible for the assembly of the bus bar system powering 70 superconducting coils on five modules of the W7-X stellarator. The bus bars are made of the NbTi superconductors in an aluminium jacket. The bus bar system is very complex and its final reliability and performance is strongly dependent on both the quality and accuracy of the assembly process.

   To complete the system it was also necessary to connect the bus bars between neighboring modules at so called Module Separation Planes (MSP). There are eight joints to be made at three MSPs and ten joints at two MSPs. The Bus Bar Assembly (BBA) team consisted of 10 to 20 technicians from IFJ PAN and IPP Greifswald headed by Responsible Officers from IFJ PAN. IFJ PAN completed the task in 2012. The bus bar systems had been assembled on all five modules of W7-X and connected together. During assembly of the bus bar system, mechanical and electrical connection of the bus bar ends and/or the coil current leads was the most crucial operation as well as electrical insulation of the joints. The IFJ PAN team made 184 joints in total. All of them passed successfully quality tests. The total effort made by IFJ PAN over six years of the collaboration amounted to more than 160 FTEs (Full Time Equivalent). More than 50 engineers and technicians were involved and trained in the assembly process of the bus bars. The results of the work performed have been presented and described in 14 reports [4 - 17].

w7x trial fin
Trial and final installation of the bus bars on a single module

w7x five mods

Five modules on the W7-X ring

w7x merkel szwed

German Chancellor A. Merkel (left) and Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education J. Szwed (right) discussing with IFJ PAN employees.

   The collaboration between National Center for Nuclear Research, Otwock/Swierk, Poland (NCBJ) and IPP started in March 2011, when a first official kick-off meeting took place in Garching. It has been agreed, that Polish contribution into Neutral Beam Injector system will consists of: 1) Support structures for NBI boxes as well as hydraulic system for positioning and displacement of boxes, 2) Two gates valves separating the NBI boxes from the stellarator torus, 3) Cooling system ensuring the heat dissipation from ion sources, rf-generators and plasma grids and 4) Two reflection magnets. The total value of NCBJ project equals to about 5 MEUR.

   The current status of the project is the following:

   1. Support structures. Design of support structures has been completed in CATIA, the project passed static checks. Static calculations have been certified by TUV NORD company. The contracts for manufacturing have been signed with TEPRO (steel construction) and Parker-Hannifin (hydraulic system) companies. Support structures have been manufactured and hydraulic systems installed, the first acceptance tests are scheduled for April 10 in TEPRO, Koszalin, Poland. Later on the support structures will be dismounted and transported to IPP Greifswald where final acceptance tests will be performed. The formal delivery is expected for early May 2013.

   2. Gate valves. One new and one refurbished gate valve were delivered to NCBJ in 2012. Both valves were equipped with an additional blocking device, a safety system preventing the valve of being shut or open accidentally. The contract for “design and build” for the heating systems has been signed with Prevac company, Rogow, Poland. Each heating system is composed of four independent heating sectors, each of them containing two heating loops (one spare), temperature sensors, thermal protectors and controlled power supply. The distribution of temperature has been checked by using finite elements simulations. Most of elements needed for construction are already in Prevac, power supplies are tested. The delivery of gate valves and of the heating system is scheduled on July 2013.

   3. Cooling system. Several major modifications of the cooling system have been imposed by the IPP side, mainly the significant reduction in water flow. The initial project has been redesigned accordingly. The contract for cooling system manufacturing has been signed with Inss-Pol company, Wroclaw, Poland. The installation started in March 2013, final delivery is expected in May 2013.

   4. Magnets. The first, refurbished magnet should be ready in April 2013. The second, new one, in September 2013. Both magnets will be manufactured by Tesla company, Storrington, UK and will be modified with respect to the original project; new copper liners, insulation feedthroughs and several minor elements were redesigned. Final delivery of magnets to IPP Greifswald is expected in October 2013.

   Concluding, despite of several substantial modifications imposed by modifications of the W7-X project the complete delivery of Polish in-kind contribution is expected to be completed in 2013.

w7x support

Support structures for the NBI boxes.

   The Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion in Warsaw, Poland, (IPPLM) builds of two soft X-ray diagnostics, namely PHA and MFS systems. The project is realized in the frame of cooperation agreement between IPP Greifswald and IPPLM and is a part of the contract of Association between EURATOM and IPPLM, performed within the framework of the European Fusion Development Agreement.

   A pulse height analysis (PHA) system which is planned to obtain the shape of X-ray spectrum by measurement of the energy carried by individual quanta (the height of a pulse measured is proportional to this energy) is now in manufacture phase. The intensity of radiation must be low enough to assure that the condition at which the electrical signals from the individual quanta do not overlap (no “pile-up” effect) in the electronics following the detector. The second diagnostic is a multi-foil temperature analysis system (MFS) which is a method destined to obtain the shape of the X-ray spectrum from the data recorded with the use of different semiconductor detectors. In this method the spectrum is determined by measurements of the total X-ray emission (as the effect of an interaction of many quanta) in some different ranges of energy, which are determined by the type and thickness of filters and the thickness of detectors. The MFS method is characterised by the lower spectral resolution in comparison with the PHA system.

   For designing these two diagnostic systems a numerical code for evaluation of X-ray emission from stellarator plasma, named RayX has been developed. The code simulates the composition of ionization stages for some important elements (C, Fe, O) and the intensity of free-free, free-bound and bound-bound radiation. Basing on the assumption about the configuration of the detection system and the amount of impurities, the code predicts the response of the 1-D imaging system for a given plasma density and temperature spatial profiles. The results of simulations for predicted plasma scenarios, different diagnostic geometry, different kinds of detectors and thickness of applied filters were used in designing the diagnostic systems.

   The proposed X-ray pulse height analysis system is intended to provide the spectral energy distribution with an energy resolution of about 200 eV along a central line of sight. The low energy detector response can be adjusted by interchangeable energy filters (Beryllium transmission foils). This will allow to enhance the sensitivity for particular impurity species and for the investigation of superthermal tails in the spectra. The system will consist of a set of 3 SDD (Silicon Drift Detectors) detectors operated with different filters in order to obtain a good sensitivity in a wide energy range. The combination of spectral data obtained along a single line of sight with broadband radial X-ray intensity profiles will provide a sufficiently good characterization of the impurity radiation in the plasma core. The measurements yield impurity survey spectra in the X-ray region above 0.5 keV (up to 20 keV typically) allowing to identify the line radiation from all relevant impurities and to determine their concentration in the hot plasma core. The slope of the hydrogen and low-Z continuum radiation is used to determine the central electron temperature. The intensity of the continuum radiation along with additional spectroscopic data allows to assess Zeff values in the plasma center. In addition, the presence of suprathermal electrons can be detected in the high energy region of the continuum spectrum.

w7x vacuum

Vacuum chaber of PHA soft X-ray diagnostic designed and buit at the IPPLM, Warsaw for W7-X stellarator.

The MFS system will be realized on port AEN20 as a part of the so-called flexible SX camera system on the AEM10-AEN10-AEO10 port combination.

This diagnostics will consist of 8 detector arrays (for 5 detectors each) using different 8 filter-foils, current amplifiers and a memorising system. Basing on the simulations it was established that the distance from plasma center to pinhole should be 2.5 m and the distance from pinholes to detectors 0.20 - 0.25 m. Additionally, there will be possibility to change this distance adequately to the plasma conditions. Taking into account the influence of magnetic field on diagnostic components, the turbo molecular pump has been placed at 6 m from the plasma center. It is expected to run both diagnostics in 2014.

w7x diagsys

Design of the MFS soft X-ray diagnostic system for W7-X done by the IPPLM, Warsaw.

The collaboration between IPPLM and IPP on edge plasma modeling started already in 2003 with the aim to contribute to development of the 3D fluid code (FINDIF) for simulations of plasma parameters in the boundary region of the stellerator W7-X device. The numerical model was based on the concept of local magnetic coordinates allowing a correct discretization with mimimized numerical errors. The finite difference discretization method was used which allows the numerical simulation of energy transport in complex 3D edge geometries (in particular for W7-X) using a custom-tailored unstructured grid in local magnetic coordinates. This grid is generated by field-line tracing to guarantee an exact discretization of the dominant parallel transport. Along the magnetic field lines the standard Patankar concept was used to discretize the convection-diffusion equation, whereas in order to solve a quasi-isotropic problem in a plane (toroidal cut), the finite volume method was modified to obtain its finite difference representation with the radial fluxes on plasma cross-sections being interpolated using a constrained Delaunay triangulation. FINDIF calculations have been performed for W7-X geometry as well as for the 3D TEXTOR-DED configuration [18-23].
It is planned to continue common works on edge plasma modeling in future and to use the FINDIF code to interpret experimental results from W7-X.

w7x electron temp

Calculated 3D electron temperature solution in a W7-X configuration


1. G. Krzesiński, T. Zagrajek, P.Marek, R. Dobosz, P. Czarkowski, K.J. Kurzydłowski,FEManalysis of coil support connections in theWendelstein 7-Xmagnet system,Fusion Engineering and Design 82 (2007) 1574–1578.

2. Ł. Ciupiński, G.Krzesiński, K. Kurzydłowski, P. Marek, T. Zagrajek,V. Bykov, P. Czarkowski,W. Daenner, A. Dudek, F. Schauer, Evaluation of the mechanical behavior of W7-X central support connections bymeans of semi-automated FE analysis, Fusion Engineering and Design 84 (2009) 613–617

3. Ł. Ciupiński, G. Krzesiński, P. Marek, T. Zagrajek, J. Fellinger, V. Bykov, A. Dudek, F. Schauer, A. Panin , Limit analysis of W7-X critical magnet system components with consideration of material serration effect, Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 86, (2011), 1501-1505

4. J. Blocki, A deformation analysis for the lower shell by FE, IPP, WENDELSTEIN 7-X, 12 Dec. 2007.

5. J.Blocki, A deformation analysis for the lower shell of the Module 1, Module 2, Module 3 and Module 4 by use of the Finite Element Method, Report 1EDH08-T0010.0, IPP Greifswald, August 15, 2008

6. J.Blocki, A deformation analysis for the upper shell of the Module 1, Module 2 Module 3 and Module 4 by use of the Finite Element Method, Report 1EDH08-T0011.0, IPP Greifswald, August 17, 2008

7. J.Blocki, A deformation analysis for the outer vessel modules supported on the platform and transported on a semi-trailer, Report 1EDH08-T0021.0, IPP Greifswald, November 27, 2008

8. A.John, L.Hajduk, Arbeitsanweisung Montage Jointklammer und Jointgehäuse, IPP Greifswald, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, 1-NEC- A0111.2 , 05.08.2009

9. K.Rummel, M.Stodulski, Arbeitsanweisung Installation der QD-Verdrahtungs-Boxen an den Spulenanschluss-Joints, IPP Greifswald, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, 1-NEC- A0292.1, July 2009

10. M.Stodulski, Samples of repaired QD wires needed to qualify the procedure, Written Note, August 12, 2009

11. Z.Sulek, L.Hajduk, M.Stodulski, Contribution to the WENDELSTEIN 7-X stellarator construction, EUROATOM Mobility – EUROATOM Annual Report 2008, 2009

12. Z.Sulek, L.Hajduk, M.Stodulski, Contribution to the WENDELSTEIN 7-X stellarator construction, EUROATOM Mobility - EUROATOM Annual Report 2009, 2010

13. J.Blocki, L.Hajduk, J.Kotula, M.Stodulski, Z.Sulek, Contribution IFJ PAN to the construction of the WENDELSTEIN 7-X stellarator (2008 – 2009), IFJ Report 2039/PP, (2010)

14. Z.Sułek, L.Hajduk, E.Górnicki, B.Dzieża, M.Stodulski, Contribution to the WENDELSTEIN 7-X stellarator construction, EUROATOM Annual Report 20010, 2011

15. B.Dzieża, E.Górnicki, L.Hajduk, M.Stodulski, Z.Sułek, Contribution to W7-X assembly process, EUROATOM Annual Report 20011, 2012

16. L.Hajduk, M.Stodulski, Z.Sułek, Contribution to W7-X assembly process, EUROATOM Annual Report 20012, 2013,

17. B.Dzieża, E.Górnicki, L.Hajduk, J.Kotuła, M.Stodulski, Z.Sułek, Contribution IFJ PAN to the construction of the WENDELSTEIN 7-X stellarator (2010 – 2012), IFJ Report 2059/PP, (2013)

18. R. Zagórski, M.W. Jakubowski, A. Kalentev, O. Schmitz, R. Schneider and W. Stępniewski, 3D numerical simulations of energy transport in the stochastic boundary of TEXTOR-DED with a finite difference method, Nucl. Fusion 48 (2008) 1-9

19. Zagórski, M. Jakubowski, N. McTaggart, R. Schneider, W. Stępniewski, P. Xanthopoulos, “Application of the 3D Finite Difference Scheme to the TEXTOR-DED Geometry”, Contrib. Plasma Phys. 46, No. 7-9, 563 – 569 (2006)

20. N. McTaggart, R. Zagórski, X. Bonnin, A. Runov, R. Schneider, T.Kaiser, T.Rognlien, M.Umansky, “3D Edge Energy Transport in Stellarator Configurations J. Nucl. Materials, vol. 337-339, (2005) p.221

21. N. McTaggart, R. Zagórski, X. Bonnin, A. Runov, R. Schneider, “Finite Difference Scheme for Solving General 3D Convection-Diffusion Equation”, Comput. Phys. Comm., 164:318-329, 2004.

22. A.Runov, S.V.Kasilov, N. McTaggart, , R.Schneider, X.Bonnin, R. Zagórski and D.Reiter, “Transport modelling for ergodic configurations”, Nucl.Fusion, vol.44 (2004) S74-S82

23. N. McTaggart, X.Bonnin, A.Runov, R.Schneider, and R. Zagórski, “Energy transport modelling including ergodic effects”, Contrib. To Plasma Physics, vol.44 No.1-3 (2004) 31-34


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IFPiLM organizatorem konferencji naukowej PLASMA 2023


IFPiLM organizatorem konferencji naukowej PLASMA 2023

W dniach 18-22 września 2023 roku w Warszawie odbyła się międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa PLASMA 2023 dotycząca badań i zastosowań plazmy. Organizatorem wydarzenia był Instytut Fizyki Plazmy i Laserowej Mikrosyntezy. Na...

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Zapraszamy do udziału w otwartej sesji plenarnej poświęconej przełomowym osiągnięciom w dziedzinie syntezy jądrowej


Zapraszamy do udziału w otwartej sesji plenarnej poświęconej przełomowym osiągnięciom w dziedzinie syntezy jądrowej

Instytut Fizyki Plazmy i Laserowej Mikrosyntezy im. Sylwestra Kaliskiego zaprasza wszystkich zainteresowanych do udziału w otwartej sesji plenarnej poświęconej przełomowym osiągnięciom w dziedzinie syntezy jądrowej. Sesja stanowi niepowtarzalną okazję do uczestnictwa...

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Mija 40 lat od uzyskania pierwszej plazmy na tokamaku JET


Mija 40 lat od uzyskania pierwszej plazmy na tokamaku JET

W niedzielę 25 czerwca 2023 roku minęło 40 lat od uzyskania pierwszej plazmy na tokamaku JET (Joint European Torus) mieszczącym się w Culham koło Oksfordu w Wielkiej Brytanii. Jest to...

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Pracownik naukowy IFPiLM członkiem panelu ELI-ERIC


Pracownik naukowy IFPiLM członkiem panelu ELI-ERIC

Dr Katarzyna Batani z Zakładu Fizyki i Zastosowań Plazmy Laserowej w IFPiLM została członkiem panelu recenzentów w obszarze Plasma physics organizacji ELI-ERIC (Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) European Research Infrastructure Consortium...

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Zapraszamy na Kongres "Nauka dla Społeczeństwa"


Zapraszamy na Kongres "Nauka dla Społeczeństwa"

W dniach 3-5 czerwca 2023 roku na terenie Politechniki Warszawskiej odbędzie się Kongres „Nauka dla Społeczeństwa”. Podczas wydarzenia zaprezentowane zostaną osiągnięcia polskich jednostek naukowych, ośrodków edukacyjnych oraz kół naukowych. W Kongresie...

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Kolejna edycja Pikniku Naukowego już 27 maja w Warszawie!


Kolejna edycja Pikniku Naukowego już 27 maja w Warszawie!

Najbliższa edycja Pikniku Naukowego odbędzie się w sobotę, 27 maja 2023 roku, na PGE Narodowym w Warszawie. Tematem przewodnim wydarzenia są rewolucje naukowe. Na stoisku Instytutu Fizyki Plazmy i Laserowej Mikrosyntezy...

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Pracownik naukowy IFPiLM członkiem Rady Beam Plasma and Inertial Fusion European Physical Society


Dr Piotr Rączka z Zakładu Fizyki i Zastosowań Plazmy Laserowej IFPiLM został członkiem Rady Beam Plasma and Inertial Fusion (BP&IF) w Europejskim Towarzystwie Fizycznym (European Physical Society – EPS). Sekcja BP&IF...

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Prawie 7 mln zł dla IFPiLM na wsparcie projektów międzynarodowych w 2022 roku


W 2022 roku Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki przyznało Instytutowi Fizyki Plazmy i Laserowej Mikrosyntezy prawie 7 mln zł dofinansowania na projekty w programie „Projekty Międzynarodowe Współfinansowane”. Łącznie na ten cel MEiN...

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Kawiarnia Naukowa: Święty Graal energetyki. Czy opanujemy fuzję jądrową?


Kawiarnia Naukowa: Święty Graal energetyki. Czy opanujemy fuzję jądrową?

20 marca 2023 r. zapraszamy na spotkanie z dr hab. Agatą Chomiczewską z IFPiLM w Pałacu Staszica w Warszawie. Tematem spotkania będzie fuzja jądrowa. W wydarzeniu można uczestniczyć stacjonarnie lub...

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Workshop ICDMP


Workshop ICDMP

W dniach 17 i 18 grudnia 2022 r. Międzynarodowe Centrum Gęstej Namagnetyzowanej Plazmy (ICDMP) zorganizowało w formie zdalnej International Workshop and Expert Meeting on Dense Magnetized Plasmas 2022. Uczestnicy spotkania...

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Pomagamy podopiecznym z Centrum Rehabilitacji, Edukacji i Opieki TPD „Helenów”


Pomagamy podopiecznym z Centrum Rehabilitacji, Edukacji i Opieki TPD „Helenów”

Instytut Fizyki Plazmy i Laserowej Mikrosyntezy od wielu lat wspiera Centrum Rehabilitacji, Edukacji i Opieki TPD „Helenów” w Warszawie. W tym roku oprócz tradycyjnej zbiórki środków finansowych odbył się także...

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Przełomowe wyniki w pozyskiwaniu energii z laserowej fuzji jądrowej


13 grudnia 2022 r. Departament Energii USA ogłosił, że naukowcom z National Ignition Facility (NIF) w Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory w Stanach Zjednoczonych udało się uzyskać dodatni bilans energetyczny w...

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Już dziś Departament Energii USA ogłosi przełomowe osiągnięcie w badaniach nad fuzją jądrową - zapowiedź konferencji prasowej


13 grudnia o godzinie 16.00 (czasu polskiego) przedstawiciele Departamentu Energii USA ogłoszą przełomowe osiągnięcie w badaniach nad fuzją jądrową dokonane przez naukowców z National Ignition Facility w Lawrence Livermore National...

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Trwają przygotowania do nowej kampanii eksperymentalnej na stellaratorze W7-X


Trwają przygotowania do nowej kampanii eksperymentalnej na stellaratorze W7-X

27 października 2022 r., po trzech latach przerwy, swoją działalność wznowił stellarator Wendelstein 7-X w Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) w Greifswaldzie. Urządzenie zostało przebudowane i wyposażone w...

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26. Festiwal Nauki z udziałem IFPiLM


26. Festiwal Nauki z udziałem IFPiLM

Pod koniec września 2022 r. naukowcy z Instytutu Fizyki Plazmy i Laserowej Mikrosyntezy wzięli udział w 26. edycji Festiwalu Nauki. Po dwóch latach przerwy spowodowanej pandemią uczniowie ze szkół podstawowych...

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30-lecie Rady Głównej Instytutów Badawczych z udziałem IFPiLM


30-lecie Rady Głównej Instytutów Badawczych z udziałem IFPiLM

12 września 2022 r. w Gmachu Głównym Politechniki Warszawskiej odbyły się uroczyste obchody 30-lecia Rady Głównej Instytutów Badawczych (RGIB). W ramach jubileuszu wyróżnione zostały najlepsze instytuty, które w wyniku oceny działalności...

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Prof. Tadeusz Pisarczyk członkiem Laserlab-Europe Expert Group w dziedzinie syntezy laserowej


Prof. Tadeusz Pisarczyk członkiem Laserlab-Europe Expert Group w dziedzinie syntezy laserowej

Prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Pisarczyk, kierownik Pracowni Hydrodynamiki Plazmy w Zakładzie Fizyki i Zastosowań Plazmy Laserowej w IFPiLM, został nominowany na członka Laserlab-Europe Expert Group w dziedzinie syntezy laserowej. Konsorcjum Laserlab-Europe...

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Dr hab. Monika Kubkowska członkiem międzynarodowej Rady Doradczej Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics


Dr hab. Monika Kubkowska członkiem międzynarodowej Rady Doradczej Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics

Dr hab. Monika Kubkowska, zastępca dyrektora ds. naukowych IFPiLM, została członkiem międzynarodowej Rady Doradczej – Advisory Board (Fachbeirat) Instytutu Fizyki Plazmy im. Maxa Plancka (IPP) w Niemczech: https://www.ipp.mpg.de/17373/fachbeirat. IPP jest instytutem...

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Testy i sprawdzenie diagnostyki zaprojektowanej przez polskich naukowców na stellaratorze W7-X


Testy i sprawdzenie diagnostyki zaprojektowanej przez polskich naukowców na stellaratorze W7-X

W pierwszych dwóch tygodniach lipca 2022 r. delegacja pracowników z IFPiLM i Uniwersytetu Opolskiego uczestniczyła w Instytucie Fizyki Plazmy im. Maxa Plancka w Greifswaldzie w Niemczech w ustawieniu i testach...

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Naukowcy z IFPiLM biorą udział w pracach nad radialną kamerą neutronów dla tokamaka ITER


Naukowcy z IFPiLM biorą udział w pracach nad radialną kamerą neutronów dla tokamaka ITER

W tokamaku ITER źródłem mocy grzewczej będą reakcje fuzji jądrowej. Najtrudniejszym zadaniem stojącym przed naukowcami jest kontrolowanie i utrzymanie plazmy przez ok. 400-600 s. Oszacowanie parametrów plazmy (takich jak: szybkość...

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IFPiLM organizatorem 23. ISHW


IFPiLM organizatorem 23. ISHW

W dniach 20-24 czerwca 2022 r. w Centrum Nauki Kopernik w Warszawie odbył się 23. International Stellarator-Heliotron Workshop (ISHW). Organizatorem wydarzenia był Instytut Fizyki Plazmy i Laserowej Mikrosyntezy. Z kraju...

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16. edycja Kudowa Summer School dobiegła końca


16. edycja Kudowa Summer School dobiegła końca

Zakończyła się 16. edycja Letniej Szkoły Fizyki Plazmy Kudowa Summer School „Towards Fusion Energy”. W wydarzeniu zorganizowanym przez Instytut Fizyki Plazmy i Laserowej Mikrosyntezy w dniach 6-10 czerwca w Kudowie-Zdroju...

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25. Piknik Naukowy już w najbliższy weekend!


25. Piknik Naukowy już w najbliższy weekend!

Piknik Naukowy po dwóch latach przerwy wraca do spotkań na żywo. Najbliższa edycja odbędzie się już w ten weekend – 21 maja – na terenie Centrum Nauki Kopernik w Warszawie....

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Udział pracowników IFPiLM w przełomowych badaniach nad syntezą jądrową – wideo


W najnowszym filmie przedstawiamy wkład naukowców z Instytutu Fizyki Plazmy i Laserowej Mikrosyntezy (IFPiLM) w przełomowy sukces badań nad syntezą jądrową na największym na świecie tokamaku JET (Joint European Torus)...

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Petycja europejskich naukowców przeciwko agresji Rosji na Ukrainę


Petycja europejskich naukowców przeciwko agresji Rosji na Ukrainę

Europejscy naukowcy wyrażają głęboką solidarność z narodem Ukrainy i proszą o podpisanie petycji w sprawie powstrzymania agresji Rosji na Ukrainę i wycofania wojsk: https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/an-open-letter-from-european-scientists-against

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Udział Polski w przełomowym sukcesie badań nad syntezą jądrową


Udział Polski w przełomowym sukcesie badań nad syntezą jądrową

9 lutego 2022 roku ogłoszone zostało przełomowe osiągnięcie naukowców i inżynierów w dziedzinie syntezy jądrowej. Badania nad energetyką termojądrową prowadzone są w Europie w ramach programu badawczo-szkoleniowego Europejskiej Wspólnoty Energii Atomowej...

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Przełomowe osiągnięcie w badaniach nad syntezą jądrową! Zapowiedź konferencji prasowej


Przełomowe osiągnięcie w badaniach nad syntezą jądrową! Zapowiedź konferencji prasowej

W najbliższą środę, 9 lutego, przedstawiciele konsorcjum EUROfusion, UKAEA i ITER ogłoszą i omówią ekscytujące wyniki z niedawnej kampanii DTE2 na tokamaku JET, w której jako Polska i IFPiLM mieliśmy...

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Zgłoś swój udział w Letniej Szkole Fizyki Plazmy!


Zgłoś swój udział w Letniej Szkole Fizyki Plazmy!

Instytut Fizyki Plazmy i Laserowej Mikrosyntezy zaprasza do udziału w 16. edycji Letniej Szkoły Fizyki Plazmy, która odbędzie się w dniach 6-10 czerwca 2022 r. w Kudowie-Zdroju. Kudowa Summer School „Towards...

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Wendelstein 7-X begins new experimental campaign


Wendelstein 7-X begins new experimental campaign

The Wendelstein 7-X, the world’s most advanced stellarator, is launching a new experimental campaign after a year of intensive maintenance and upgrades. This phase, known as OP2.2, begins on 10...

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ITER's New Project Baseline: A Robust Path to Fusion Energy Research


ITER's New Project Baseline: A Robust Path to Fusion Energy Research

On 3 July, ITER Director-General Pietro Barabaschi presented the new project baseline, under evaluation by the ITER Organization's governing body. This plan aims to ensure a robust start to scientific...

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ITER Council Presents Updated Project Baseline


ITER Council Presents Updated Project Baseline

The ITER Council convened this week for its 34th meeting, where nearly 100 attendees reviewed significant updates to the project baseline. The proposed changes aim to optimize the overall project...

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Europe and Japan celebrate breakthrough in paving the way for fusion energy


Europe and Japan celebrate breakthrough in paving the way for fusion energy

The prospect of harnessing fusion energy is closer. The successful operation of JT-60SA, the most powerful experimental device to date, built by Europe and Japan, is a landmark achievement for...

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First plasma was successfully generated at JT-60SA


First plasma was successfully generated at JT-60SA

A momentous achievement in the field of nuclear fusion has been accomplished by a collaborative team of engineers from Europe and Japan. They have successfully generated tokamak plasma for the...

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The Nobel Prize in Physics 2023


Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L’Huillier are the winners of this year's Nobel Prize in Physics. It was awarded "for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for...

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US Lab Replicates Fusion Ignition Breakthrough


The US National Ignition Facility (NIF) has achieved fusion ignition once again, building on its landmark 2022 success. This achievement, powered by hydrogen within a diamond capsule, signifies a major...

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New Programme Manager Elect announced by EUROfusion


Professor Ambrogio Fasoli became the new EUROfusion Programme Manager Elect. The decision was made by EUROfusion General Assembly at the meeting on 18 July 2023. His tenure will officially commence...

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EUROfusion stands in solidarity with research in Ukraine


EUROfusion stands in solidarity with research in Ukraine

Today, as we commemorate the anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the EUROfusion consortium stands in solidarity with our Ukrainian member and research colleagues. EUROfusion remains committed to supporting...

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Eight-minute production of plasma with gigajoule energy turnover at Wendelstein 7-X


Eight-minute production of plasma with gigajoule energy turnover at Wendelstein 7-X

Another target has been achieved only recently by the W7-X researchers, namely they managed to acquire an energy turnover of 1.3 gigajoules in the device, which is 17 times higher...

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The Nobel Prize in Physics 2022


The Nobel Prize in Physics 2022

Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger are the winners of this year's Nobel Prize in Physics. It was awarded “for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of...

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New experiments for fusion energy record breaker JET


New experiments for fusion energy record breaker JET

A new wave of fusion energy experiments on UK Atomic Energy Authority’s record-breaking Joint European Torus (JET) started this month. EUROfusion researchers are using the famous JET machine to conduct a...

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ITER appoints new Director-General


Pietro Barabaschi has become the next Director-General of the ITER Organization as a result of the unanimous choice of the Council from among finalist candidates. In the transition period Dr....

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Starting power plant design


Starting power plant design

At a livestreamed Horizon EUROfusion event in Brussels on 5 July 2022, EUROfusion celebrated the start of conceptual design activities for Europe's first demonstration fusion power plant DEMO. This first-of-a-kind...

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Celebration of achieving a crucial assembly milestone in the ITER Project


Celebration of achieving a crucial assembly milestone in the ITER Project

This month, we have witnessed the successful lifting and lowering into the machine well of the first sub-section of the ITER plasma chamber. The weight of the component is the...

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Burning plasma achieved in inertial fusion at the National Ignition Facility


Obtaining a burning plasma is a critical step towards self-sustaining fusion energy. A burning plasma is one in which the fusion reactions themselves are the primary source of heating in...

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Historic milestone reached by JET scientists


Historic milestone reached by JET scientists

Iconic fusion energy machine JET – which reaches controlled temperatures 10 times hotter than the core of the sun – completed its 100,000th live pulse last night. Weighing 2,800 tonnes, the...

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Horizon Europe Grant Agreement signed


Horizon Europe Grant Agreement signed

15 December 2021 saw the EUROfusion consortium signing the Grant Agreement under Horizon Europe, the European Framework Programme from 2021 – 2027, in an aim to launch comprehensive R&D approach...

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Exhibition brings fusion power to the people of Marseille


Exhibition brings fusion power to the people of Marseille

The European research consortium EUROfusion presents a game-based exhibition blending art, science and technology to explore fusion energy and get visitors' input on how fusion could fit into society. Fusion, Power...

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Nagroda Nobla z fizyki 2021


Laureatami tegorocznej Nagrody Nobla z fizyki zostali Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann i Giorgio Parisi. Nagrodę przyznano im „za przełomowy wkład w zrozumienie złożonych systemów fizycznych”. Manabe i Hasselmann zostali uhonorowani „za...

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National Ignition Facility experiment puts researchers at threshold of fusion ignition


National Ignition Facility experiment puts researchers at threshold of fusion ignition

On Aug. 8, 2021, an experiment at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL’s) National Ignition Facility (NIF) made a significant step toward ignition, achieving a yield of more than 1.3 megajoules...

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"Chinese artificial sun" proves to be the hottest


It turned possible for the Chinese scientists from Hefei to achieve a plasma temperature of 120 million degrees Celsius for 101 seconds. Thus they set a new world record about...

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A solution provided by the UK experimental results at MAST


A solution provided by the UK experimental results at MAST

The exhaust system proved commercially effective for fusion power plants thanks to the UK Atomic Energy Authority’s new MAST Upgrade experiment at CCFE. Culham scientists performing testing applied the Super-X system...

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Precision under the microscope for plasma impurity behaviour study


How to track impurities such as titanium, iron, nickel, copper or tungsten migrating throughout fusion plasmas? It is possible that tiny hand-made pellets manage to perform this task. The study...

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ASDEX Upgrade celebrating its 30 anniversary of generating plasma


ASDEX Upgrade celebrating its 30 anniversary of generating plasma

30 years ago, on 21 March 1991, the ASDEX Upgrade experimental device at Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) in Germany generated its first plasma. The main aim of...

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Completion of the first phase of WEST operation


Completion of the first phase of WEST operation

The WEST experimental campaign which took place between the 27th of November and the 27th of January 2021 proved successful with testing of a significant number of ITER-like Plasma Facing...

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Full design toroidal field reported successfully reached by JT-60SA


Full design toroidal field reported successfully reached by JT-60SA

The scientific world can boast about efficient energizing of the toroidal field magnet, which made it possible to attain its full magnetic field. Plasma inside the vessel will be generated...

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Prototype of another ITER divertor proves successful thanks to efforts of the European team


The team of engineers from the Research Instruments (RI), Germany, has successfully completed the ITER Inner-Vertical Target (IVT) prototype’s engineering phase. The very complex component was produced no matter how...

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DEMO - the next step towards fusion energy production


DEMO - the next step towards fusion energy production

The recommendations of the DEMO expert panel will facilitate the implementation of the next step of the Roadmap aimed at the construction of the demonstration power plant. Review-based approach makes...

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First plasma in the MAST spherical tokamak device


First plasma in the MAST spherical tokamak device

We have recently seen the launch of the MAST Upgrade tokamak which produced the first plasma (the video is available on YouTube). This brings us closed to obtain safe low-carbon...

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Soon we will witness a new experimental campaign on the WEST tokamak


Soon we will witness a new experimental campaign on the WEST tokamak

Similarly to the cycle of nature, winter is coming also in the field of science. Namely, the cool down of the 140 tons superconducting Toroidal Field magnet has started under...

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EUROfusion joins Neutral Beam Test Facility


EUROfusion joins Neutral Beam Test Facility

A new Cooperation Agreement between the international ITER fusion project, the Italian Consorzio RFX and EUROfusion will allow European researchers from eight countries to join the Neutral Beam Test Facility...

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The assembly of the ITER experimental reactor has started


The assembly of the ITER experimental reactor has started

Ten years after the start of construction in August 2010, ITER marked a new chapter in its long history. This historic moment was witnesses by distinguished guests, including French President...

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Preparations are underway for a new experimental campaign on the W7-X stellarator


Preparations are underway for a new experimental campaign on the W7-X stellarator

In the recent newsletter published on the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics website you can learn more about the preparation of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator for the next experimental...

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Japanese-European fusion plant JT-60SA is complete


The JT-60SA assembly was completed at the end of March 2020. This device, located at the National Institute for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology at Naka in Japan, will...

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JET researchers find 'win-win' scenario for future fusion reactors


JET researchers find 'win-win' scenario for future fusion reactors

Recent experiments at JET (Joint European Torus, Culham) showed how to spread the heat load across different tiles by moving the 'strike point' (specific divertor tiles which spread the heat)....

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Wendelstein 7-X fusion device at Greifswald to be upgraded


Wendelstein 7-X fusion device at Greifswald to be upgraded

The Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) in Greifswald, Germany, is ready for new improvements of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator facility which are needed to obtain higher heating power...

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Wielki tokamak HL-2M zacznie działać w Chinach w 2020 roku


W listopadzie br. chińska agencja prasowa Xinhua poinformowała, że wielki tokamak HL-2M, nazywany „sztucznym Słońcem”, ma być uruchomiony w przyszłym roku w Południowo-Zachodnim Instytucie Fizyki w Chengdu. Zakłada się, że...

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Nagroda Nobla z fizyki


Nagroda Nobla z fizyki

Tegoroczną Nagrodę Nobla z fizyki otrzymali Kanadyjczyk James Peebles oraz dwóch Szwajcarów Michel Mayor i Didier Queloz za odkrycia, które pozwoliły zrozumieć historię i budowę Wszechświata. Połowę nagrody otrzymał James Peebles...

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UK invests in domestic fusion plant


UK invests in domestic fusion plant

The UK government has committed GBP220 million (USD270 million) over four years for the conceptual design of the Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP). The STEP programme aims to construct...

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EUROfusion – F4E Collaboration Inked


EUROfusion – F4E Collaboration Inked

  Fusion for Energy (F4E) in collaboration with EUROfusion, drafted an MoU with EUROfusion for the implementation of the reorganization of the Test Blanket Module and Breeding Blanket programme. This MoU...

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Report from the 19th Coordinated Working Group Meeting


Report from the 19th Coordinated Working Group Meeting

This annual meeting was held at the headquarters of the Helmholtz Society in Berlin March 12–14, 2019. Roughly forty on-site and ten remote participants provided reports on collaborations, grouped into...

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The EU proposal 871124 - LASERLAB-EUROPE; evaluation results and the start of grant preparation


The EU proposal 871124 - LASERLAB-EUROPE; evaluation results and the start of grant preparation

The evaluation of the EU proposal 871124 - LASERLAB-EUROPE for a new EU contract for Laserlab-Europe, "Laserlab-5" is completed and the EC has just announced the result. The proposal reached...

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Starting a new experimental campaign at JET


Starting a new experimental campaign at JET

The new EUROfusion experimental campaign at the Joint European Torus (JET) located at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE), UK started earlier this week. (...) In the present JET campaign,...

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INFUSE: new US program aims to accelerate fusion research


INFUSE: new US program aims to accelerate fusion research

The US Department of Energy (DOE) has announced the launch of INFUSE, a program created to encourage partnerships in fusion research between industry and DOE national laboratories. The Innovation Network for...

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Researchers Just Demonstrated Nuclear Fusion in a Device Small Enough to Keep at Home


Researchers Just Demonstrated Nuclear Fusion in a Device Small Enough to Keep at Home

When it comes to the kinds of technology needed to contain a sun, there are currently just two horses in the race. Neither is what you'd call 'petite'. An earlier form...

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Future of JET secured with new European contract


Future of JET secured with new European contract

The future of the world’s largest operational fusion research facility has been secured with a new contract signed between the UK and the European Commission. A contract extension for the world’s...

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European Parliament sets ITER as a tangible example of European added value


European Parliament sets ITER as a tangible example of European added value

The Budgetary Control Committee of the European Parliament, chaired by German MEP Ingeborg Graessle, organized a public hearing on the added value of EU funding on 21 January 2019. The...

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How Hot is the Chinese Artificial Sun?


How Hot is the Chinese Artificial Sun?

Over 100 million degrees. Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), nicknamed Chinese artificial sun, has achieved over 100 million degrees electron temperature in the core plasma in its 2018 four-month-long experiment campaign. Collaborating...

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Nagroda Nobla z fizyki w 2018 roku


Nagroda Nobla z fizyki w 2018 roku

W październiku 2018 roku Nagrodę Nobla z fizyki otrzymali Arthur Ashkin oraz Gérard Mourou i Donna Strickland za badania w zakresie optyki wykorzystujące w przełomowy sposób światło generowane laserem. Do Arthura...

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Projekty badawcze realizowane przez IFPiLM są finansowane ze środków Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki i Narodowego Centrum Nauki oraz ze środków Komisji Europejskiej na podstawie umowy grantowej No 633053, w ramach Konsorcjum EUROfusion. Wsparcia finansowego udzielają także: Międzynarodowa Agencja Energii Atomowej, Agencja Fusion for Energy, Europejska Agencja Kosmiczna i Konsorcjum LaserLab.


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