The Special Issue on Z-Pinch Plasmas will focus on the latest advances in the physics understanding of Z-pinches.
5th Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
Deadline April 1, 2012
Publication October, 2012
Z-pinches have been a rich field for study over the last several years, and the range of plasma environments produced in these systems enable a wide variety of applications. A stagnating z-pinch creates a hot, dense plasma suitable for radiation materials studies and inertial confinement fusion, while the production of supersonic plasma outflows provide an exciting contribution to laboratory astrophysics. Traditionally, Z-pinch loads have consisted of foils, gas puffs, and wire arrays. Recently magnetically imploded liners on fast pulsed-power generators have been investigated as a potential Fusion Energy scheme. Continuing improvements in diagnostics for experiments, such as backlighting, shadowgraphy, and other imaging techniques, as well as highly resolved (spatially and temporally) spectroscopy, and the development of advanced, multi-dimensional computer models allow for detailed studies of all phases of a Z-pinch implosion. Additionally related subsets of Z-pinches such as plasma foci and x-pinches, along with various novel wire array configurations provide their own interesting research topics. Based on this, the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society announces a fifth Special Issue on Z-Pinch Plasmas. This follows the first four Special Issues on Z-Pinch Plasmas of August 1998, April 2002, October 2006 and April 2010, and serves as an ongoing historical archive of the research in this field.
The continuing, and growing, interest in Z-pinches is regularly illustrated by the high quality work shown at international conferences. The fifth Special Issue on Z-Pinch Plasmas, scheduled for publication in October 2012, and is timed such that the deadline submission for the manuscripts (April, 2012) encompasses the upcoming International Conference on Dense Z-Pinches in Biarritz, France (DZP 2011), IEEE Pulsed Power Conference (PPC 2011) and International Conference on Plasma Science in Chicago, IL (ICOPS 2011) and American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics in Salt Lake City, UT (APS-DPP 2011).
The Special Issue on Z-Pinch Plasmas will focus on the latest advances in the physics understanding of Z-pinches. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
· Initiation of wire arrays, single wires and gas puffs
· Implosion dynamics and radiative properties of Z-pinches
· Implosion of liners
· Computational and theoretical studies of Z-pinch plasmas
· Diagnostics, spectroscopy and atomic physics
· X-pinch and dense plasma focus radiation sources
· Scaling of Z-pinch parameters with drive current
· Applications of z-pinches to ICF
· Applications of Z-pinches to laboratory astrophysics
· New and innovative Z-pinch load designs
Contributors should submit their manuscripts electronically at When submitting the manuscript, be sure to select "Special Issue- Z-Pinch Plasmas 2012" as the Manuscript Type. The manuscript format and style should follow that provided by the IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, which can be found at The deadline for submissions is April 1, 2012.
Policy Statement Regarding Page Charges: "Papers will be reviewed on the basis of their technical merit, and decisions to publish will be made independently of an author's willingness or ability to pay page charges. Page charge of $110 per page will be requested for papers of five printed pages or less. Page charges of $110 per page are mandatory for each page in excess of five printed pages. Papers not covered by page charges may need to be reduced in length to five printed pages. The Editor may waive the mandatory page charge requirement for exceptional papers or because of other extenuating circumstances."
Authors are encouraged to contact one of the guest editors for additional information or the applicability of their potential submission.
Dr. David Ampleford
Sandia National Laboratories
PH: 505-284-3003
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Dr. Simon Bott
Univ. Calif., San Diego
PH: 858-822-3828
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Prof. Rajdeep Singh Rawat
Singapore Nat. Instit. Education
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Univ. Nevada, Reno
PH: 775-784-6040
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