“The first months of JET operation with the ITER-Like Wall have been really exciting and already start to answer some of the key questions for ITER” says Guy Matthews, Task Force Leader of E2
The third General Planning Meeting for JET was held earlier this month at Culham, and left the participants in an optimistic mood.
The meeting involved leaders and deputies from across the E1 and E2 Task Forces. “What I appreciate the most is the cross-collaboration between different areas. This makes the discussion both on the program and on the experimental results very fruitful” said Marie-Line Mayoral, Deputy Task Force Leader of E1. Rudi Neu, Task Force Leader for E1 agreed: “This has been an essential opportunity to review our strategy with all our contributors.”
During the three days, the E1 and E2 Task Force Leaders and Deputies fleshed out plans for the experimental campaign in the first half of the year and confirmed their decision to halt experiments for an intervention at the end of June.
The initial part of the meeting recapped on the progress of the experimental campaigns, and gave Task Force Leaders from all areas the chance to be updated on the status of the JET machine. Sebastijan Brezinsek, Deputy Task Force Leader of E2 commented: “Some of the experts were expecting significant problems such as high residual carbon levels from very first operation with the new tungsten beryllium wall but so far the results look excellent”. Guy Matthews, Task Force Leader of E2 was similarly impressed: “The first months of operation with the ITER-Like Wall have been really exciting and already start to answer some of the key questions for ITER.”