[1] J. Badziak, S. Borodziuk,T. Pisarczyk, T. Chodukowski, E. Krouský, K. Masek, J. Skála, J. Ullschmied, and Yong-Joo Rhee, Highly efficient acceleration and collimation of high-density plasma using laser-induced cavity pressure. Aplied Physics Letters (2010) 96, 251502:1–3

[2] R. Zagórski, G. Telesca,W. Fundamenski, and K. McCormick, Modelling with COREDIV Code of JET ILWConfiguration. Contributions to Plasma Physics (2010) 50, 305:306-312

[3] D. Kalupin, Y. Andrew, G. Corrigan, V. Parail, J. Spence, M. Tokar, R. Zagórski, S. Wiese, and JET-EFDA contributors, Influence of JET Divertor Geometry on the H-Mode Power Threshold. Contributions to Plasma Physics (2010) 50, 3-5:356-361

[4] P. Kubes, M. Paduch, T. Pisarczyk, M. Scholz, D. Klir, J. Kravarik, K. Rezac, T. Chodukowski, I. Ivanova-Stanik, L. Karpiński, E. Zielińska, K. Tomaszewski, and M. J. Sadowski, Transformation of the Pinched Column at a Period of the Neutron Production. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (2010) 38, :672-679

[5] D. P. Coster, V. Basiuk, G. Pereverzev, D. Kalupin, R. Zagórski, R. Stankiewicz, P. Huynh, F. Imbeaux, and Members of the Task Force on Integrated Tokamak Modelling, The european transport solver. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (2010) 38, 9:2085-2092

[6] T. Grycuk and M. Kubkowska, Experimental studies of the 200 nm diffuse band in zinc vapours and its interpretation. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (2010) 43, 125204:43

[7] J. Badziak, S. Jabłoński, P. Parys, A. Szydłowski, J. Fuchs, and A. Mancic, Production of high-intensity proton fluxes by a 2ω Nd:glass laser beam. Laser and Particle Beams (2010) 28, 4:575-583

[8] A. Kasperczuk, T. Pisarczyk, J. Badziak, S. Borodziuk, T. Chodukowski, P. Parys, J. Ullschmied, E. Krousky, K. Masek, M. Pfeifer, K. Rohlena, J. Skala, and P. Pisarczyk, Interaction of two plasma jets produced successively from Cu target. Laser and Particle Beams (2010) 28, 3:497-504

[9] L. Giuffrida, L. Torrisi, L. Calcagnile, and M. Rosiński, Ge post-acceleration from laser-generated plasma. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2010) 623, 2:716-719

[10] L. Torrisi, L. Giuffrida, M. Rosiński, and C. Schallhorn, Ge and Ti post-ion acceleration from laser ion source. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B (2010) 268, 17-18:2808-2814

[11] V. A. Gribkov, S. V. Latyshev, R. A. Miklaszewski, M. Chernyshova, K. Drozdowicz, U. Wiącek, K. Tomaszewski, and B. D. Lemeshko, A dense plasma-focus based neutron source for a single-shot detection of illicit materials and explosive by a nanosecond neutron pulse. Physica Scripta (2010) , 81:

[12] T. Desai, M. Bussoli, R. Dezulian, A. Villa, E. Krousky, A. Aliverdiev, M. Kubkowska, and J. Wołowski, Analogy of meteorite impacts in laboratory conditions. Physica Scripta (2010) T142, 14027:1-5

[13] J. Rzadkiewicz, A. Gojska, O. Rosmej, M. Polasik, and K. Słabkowska, Interpretation of the Si Kα x-ray spectra accompanying the stopping of swift Ca ions in low-density SiO2 aerogel. Physical Review A (2010) 82, 12703:1-14

[14] S. Barral and Z. Peradzyński, Ionization oscillations in Hall accelerators. Physics of Plasmas (2010) 17, 014505:

[15] J. Badziak and S. Jabłoński, Ultraintense ion beams driven by a short-wavelength short-pulse laser. Physics of Plasmas (2010) 17, 73106:1–7

[16] P. Nicolai, C. Stenz, V. Tikhonchuk, A. Kasperczuk, T. Pisarczyk, L. Juha, E. Krousky, K. Masek, M. Pfeifer, K. Rohlena, J. Skala, V. Kmetik, J. Ullschmied, M. Kalal, D. Klir, J. Kravarik, P. Kubes, K. Rezac, P. Pisarczyk and E. Tabakhoff, Experimental evidence of multimaterial jet formation with lasers. Physics of Plasmas (2010) 17, 112903:1-9

[17] A. Kasperczuk, T. Pisarczyk, J. Badziak, S. Borodziuk, T. Chodukowski, S. Y. Guskov, N. N. Demchenko, J. Ullschmied, E. Krousky, K. Masek, M. Pfeifer, K. Rohlena, J. Skala, and P. Pisarczyk, Influence of low atomic number plasma component on the formation of laser-produced plasma jets. Physics of Plasmas (2010) 17, 114505:1-4

[18] M. Kubkowska, K. Jakubowska, E. Składnik-Sadowska, K. Malinowski, M. Paduch, M. J. Sadowski, M. Scholz, and A. K. Marchenko, Spectroscopic investigation of PF-1000 discharges under different experimental conditions. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology (2010) 16, 6:202-204

[19] E. Składnik-Sadowska, M. J. Sadowski, K. Czaus, K. Malinowski, R. Kwiatkowski, J. Żebrowski, L. Karpiński, M. Paduch, M. Scholz, and I. E. Garkusha, Recent studies of the ion emission from high-current PF-1000 experiments. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology (2010) 16, 6:199-201

[20] M. J. Sadowski and M. Scholz, Plasma diagnostics. Highlights of dense magnetized plasma research in Poland. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology (2010) 16, 6:194-198

[21] J. Wołowski, P. Gąsior, J. Hoffman, M. Kubkowska, M. Rosiński, and Z. Szymański, Study of laser-induced removal of co-deposits from tokamak plasma-facing components using ion diagnostics and optical spectroscopy. Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids: Incorporating Plasma Science & Plasma Technology (2010) 165, :434–440

[22] M. Rosinski, P. Parys, J. Wołowski, P. Gąsior, and M. Pisarek, Electrostatic acceleration and deflection system for modification of semiconductor materials in laser-produced ion implantation. Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids: Incorporating Plasma Science & Plasma Technology (2010) 165, :528–533

[23] J. Badziak, S. Jabłoński, M. Kubkowska, P. Parys, M. Rosiński, J. Wołowski, A. Szydłowski, P. Antici, J. Fuchs, and A. Mancic, Laser-driven generation of ultraintense proton beams. Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids: Incorporating Plasma Science & Plasma Technology (2010) 165, :760–766

[24] L. Giuffrida, L. Torrisi, S. Gammino, J. Wołowski, and J. Ullschmied, Surface ion implantation induced by laser-generated plasmas. Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids: Incorporating Plasma Science & Plasma Technology (2010) 165, :534-542

[25] J. Krása, L. Láska, K. Rohlena, A. Velyhan, A. Czarnecka, P. Parys, L. Ryć, and J. Wołowski, Limits of applicability of a time-of-flight ion-mass analyzer in uncovering partial currents of ions emitted by pulsed laser ion sources. Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids: Incorporating Plasma Science & Plasma Technology (2010) 165, :441–450

[26] L. Láska, J. Badziak, K. Jungwirth, M. Kálal, J. Krása, E. Krouský, P. Kubeš, D. Margarone, P. Parys, M. Pfeifer, K. Rohlena, M. Rosiński, L. Ryć, J. Skála, L. Torrisi, J. Ullschmied, A. Velyhan, and J. Wołowski, Analysis of processes participating during intense iodine-laser-beam interactions with laser-produced plasmas. Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids: Incorporating Plasma Science & Plasma Technology (2010) 165, :463–471

[27] E. Składnik-Sadowska, K. Malinowski, M. J. Sadowski, J. Wołowski, M. Kubkowska, P. Gąsior, M. Rosiński, and M. Ladygina, Study of plasma produced from deuterized-titanium irradiated by intense laser pulses. Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids: Incorporating Plasma Science & Plasma Technology (2010) 165, :412–418

[28] L. Ryć, J. Krása, T. Nowak, J. Kravarik, D. Klir, E. Krouský, A. Lorusso, D. Margarone, V. Nassisi, M. Pfeifer, J. Skála, J. Ullschmied, and A. Velyhan, Application of single-crystal CVD diamond detector for simultaneous measurement of ions and X-rays from laser plasmas. Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids: Incorporating Plasma Science & Plasma Technology (2010) 165, : 481–487

[29] M. Kralik, K. Turek, V. Vondracek, J. Krasa, A. Velyhan, M. Scholz, and I. M. Ivanova-Stanik, Measurement with Bonner spheres spectrometer in pulsed neutron fields. Radiation Measurements (2010) 45, 10:1245-1249

[30] S. Zając, J. Rzadkiewicz, O. Rosmej, M. Scholz, Zhao Yongtao, A. Gójska, M. Paduch, and E. Zielińska, Spatially resolved high-resolution x-ray spectroscopy of high-current plasma-focus discharges. Review of Scientific Instruments (2010) 81, 10E312:1-3

[31] M. Kralik, J. Krasa, A. Valeyhan, M. Scholz, I. Ivanova-Stanik, B. Bieńkowska, R. Miklaszewski, H. Schmidt, D. Klir, J. Kravarik, and P. Kubes, Application of a Bonnner sphere spectrometer for determination of the energy spectra of neutrons generated by ~1 MJ plasma focus. Review of Scientific Instruments (2010) 81, 113503:1-3

[32] J. Rzadkiewicz, I. Książek, K-D. Zastrow, I. H. Coffey, K. Jakubowska, K. D. Lawson, and JET EFDA Contributors, ITER-relevant calibration technique for soft x-ray spectrometer. Review of Scientific Instruments (2010) 81, 10E315:1-3

[33] J.Krása, A.Velyhan, E.Krouský, L.Láska, K.Rohlena, K.Jungwirth, J.Ullschmied, A.Lorusso, L.Velardi, V.Nassisi, A.Czarnecka, L.Ryć, P.Parys, and J.Wołowski, Emission characteristics and stability of laser ion sources. Vacuum (2010) 2010, 85:5


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