[1] P.Kubes, D.Klir, J.Kravarik, K.Rezac, M.Paduch, T.Pisarczyk, M.Scholz, T.Chodukowski, B.Bieńkowska, I.Ivanova-Stanik, L.Karpiński, M.J.Sadowski, K.Tomaszewski, and E.Zielińska, Energy transformations in column of plasma-focus discharges with megaampere currents. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (2012) 40, 2:481-486
[2] M.L.Apicella, G.Apruzzese, G.Mazzitelli, V.Pericoli-Ridolfini, A.G.Alekseyev, V.B.Lazarev, S.V.Mirnov, and R.Zagórski, Lithization of the FTU tokamak with a critical amount of lithium injection. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (2012) 54, 035001:1-10
[3] V.Krauz, K.Mitrofanov, M.Scholz, M.Paduch, L.Karpiński, E.Zielińska, and P.Kubes, Experimental study of the structure of the plasma-current sheath on the PF-1000 facility. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (2012) 54, 025010:1-14
[4] D.Klir, P.Kubes, M.Paduch, T.Pisarczyk, T.Chodukowski, M.Scholz, Z.Kalinowska, B.Bieńkowska, L.Karpiński, J.Kortanek, J.Kravarik, K.Rezac, I.Ivanova-Stanik, K.Tomaszewski, and E.Zielińska, Search for thermonuclear neutrons in a mega-ampere plasma focus. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (2012) 54, 015001:1-11
[5] D.Klir, P.Kubes, M.Paduch, T.Pisarczyk, T.Chodukowski, M.Scholz, Z.Kalinowska, E.Zielińska, B.Bieńkowska, J.Hitschfel, S.Jednorog, L.Karpiński, J.Kortanek, J.Kravarik, K.Rezac, I.Ivanova-Stanik, and K.Tomaszewski, Response to "Comment on 'Experimental evidence of thermonuclear neutrons in a modified plasma focus'" [Appl.Phys.Lett.100, 016101 (2012)]. Applied Physics Letters (2012) 100, 016102:1-2
[6] L.Torrisi, L.Giuffrida, M.Cutroneo, P.Cirrone, A.Picciotto, J.Krasa, D.Margarone, A.Velyhan, L.Laska, J.Ullschmied, J.Wołowski, J.Badziak, and M.Rosiński, Proton emission from thin hydrogenated targets irradiated by laser pulses at 1016 W/cm2a. Review of Scientific Instruments (2012) 83, 02B315:1-4
[7] M.Rosiński, L.Giuffrida, P.Parys, P.Gasior, E.Fazio, A.M.Mezzasalma, L.Torrisi, L.Ando, and J.Wołowski, Laser produced streams of Ge ions accelerated and optimized in the electric fields for implantation into SiO2 substrates. Review of Scientific Instruments (2012) 83, 02B305:1-3
[8] D.Margarone, J.Krasa, J.Prokupek, A.Velyhan, L.Torrisi, A.Picciotto, L.Giuffrida, S.Gammino, P.Cirrone, M.Cutroneo, F.Romano, E.Serra, A.Mangione, M.Rosiński, P.Parys, L.Ryć, J.Limpouch, L.Laska, K..Jungwirth, J.Ullschmied, T.Mocek, G.Korn, and B.Rus, New methods for high current fast ion beam production by laser-driven acceleration. Review of Scientific Instruments (2012) 83, 02B307:1-3
[9] L.Torrisi, S.Cavallaro, M.Cutroneo, L.Giuffrida, J.Krasa, D.Margarone, A.Velyhan, J.Kravarik, J.Ullschmied, J.Wołowski, A.Szydłowski, and M.Rosiński, Monoenergetic proton emission from nuclear reaction induced by high intensity laser-generated plasma. Review of Scientific Instruments (2012) 83, 02B111:1-4
[10] S.Jabłoński and J.Badziak, Generation of solid-density ultraintense ion beams by a picosecond laser pulse of circular polarization. Review of Scientific Instruments (2012) 83, 02B105:1-3
[11] J.Krasa,  A.Velyhan, D.Margarone, E.Krousky, L.Laska, K.Jungwirth, K.Rohlena, J.Ullschmied, P.Parys, L.Ryć, and J.Wołowski, Shot-to-shot reproducibility in the emission of fast highly charged metal ions from a laser ion source. Review of Scientific Instruments (2012) 83, 02B302:1-3
[12] A.Kasperczuk, T.Pisarczyk, T.Chodukowski, Z.Kalinowska, S.Yu.Gus'kov, N.N.Demchenko, D.Klir, J.Kravarik, P.Kubes, K.Rezac, J.Ullschmied, E.Krousky, M.Pfeifer, K.Rohlena, J.Skala, and P.Pisarczyk, Plastic plasma as a compressor of aluminum plasma at the PALS experiment. Laser and Particle Beams (2012) 30, 1:1-7
[13] A.Czarnecka, E.Lerche, J.Ongena, D.Van Eester, A.C.A.Figueiredo, I.H.Coffey, K-D. Zastrow, and JET-EFDA contributors, Impurity studies for the ITER half-field ICRF heating scenarios in hydrogen plasmas on JET. Nukleonika (2012) 57(1), :25-30
[14] P.Kubes, D.Klir, M.Paduch, T.Pisarczyk, M.Scholz, T.Chodukowski, Z.Kalinowska, K.Rezac, J.Kravarik, J.Hitschfel, J.Kortanek, B.Bieńkowska, I.Ivanova-Stanik, L.Karpiński, M.J.Sadowski, K.Tomaszewski, and E.Zielińska, Characterization of the Neutron Production in the Modified MA Plasma Focus. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (2012) 40, 4:1075-1081
[15] M.J.Sadowski and M.Scholz, Important issues in high-current plasma experiments of the Z-pinch type. Nukleonika (2012) 57, 1:11-24
[16] J.Badziak, S.Jabłoński, T.Pisarczyk, P.Rączka, E.Krousky, R.Liska, M.Kucharik, T.Chodukowski, Z.Kalinowska, P.Parys, M.Rosiński, S.Borodziuk, and J.Ullschmied, Highly efficient accelerator of dense matter using laser-induced cavity pressure acceleration. Physics of Plasmas (2012) 19, :1-8
[17] L.Giuffrida, L.Torrisi, M.Rosiński, F.Caridi, and M.Cutroneo, Physical characterization of Ge films on polyethylene obtained by pulsed laser deposition. Applied Physics A (2012) 107, 2:469-475
[18] M.Kubkowska, P.Gąsior, A.Czarnecka, M.Rosiński, and J.Wołowski, Overview of the application of laser-based techniques in plasma-wall interaction research program at IFPiLM. Nukleonika (2012) 57, :163-166
[19] R.Zagórski, R.Neu, and ASDEX Upgrade Team, Integrated Modelling of ASDEX Upgrade Nitrogen Seeded Discharges. Contributions to Plasma Physics (2012) 52, 5-6:379-383
[20] Z.Kalinowska, A.Kasperczuk, T.Pisarczyk, T.Chodukowski, S.Yu.Gus'kov, N.N.Demchenko, J.Ullschmied, E.Krokusy, M.Pfeifer, J.Skala, and P.Pisarczyk, Investigations of mechanisms of laser radiation absorption at PALS. Nukleonika (2012) 57, 2:227-230
[21] P.Kubes, D.Klir, K.Rezac, M.Paduch, T.Pisarczyk, M.Scholz, T.Chodukowski, Z.Kalinowska, J.Hitschfel, J.Kortanek, J.Kravárik, I.Ivanova-Stanik, B.Bieńkowska, L.Karpiński, E.Zielińska, M.J.Sadowski, and K.Tomaszewski, Interferometry of the plasma focus equipped with forehead cathode. Nukleonika (2012) 57, 2:189-192
[22] V.I.Krauz, K.N.Mitrofanov, M.Scholz, M.Paduch, P.Kubes, L.Karpiński, and E.Zielińska, Experimental evidence of existence of the axial magnetic field in a plasma focus. Europhysics Letters (2012) 98, :45001-1 - 45001-6
[23] D.Van Eester, E.Lerche, T.J.Johnson, T.Hellsten, J.Ongena, M.-L.Mayoral, D.Frigione, C.Sozzi, G.Calabro, M.Lennholm, P.Beaumont, T.Blackman, D.Brennan, A.Brett, M.Cecconello, I.Coffey, A.Coyne, K.Crombe, A.Czarnecka, R.Felton, M.Gatu Johnson, C.Giroud, G.Gorini, C.Hellesen, P.Jacquet, Ye.Kazakov, V.Kiptily, S.Knipe, A.Krasilnikov, Y.Lin, M.Maslov, I.Monakhov, C.Noble, M.Nocente, L.Pangioni, I.Proverbio, M.Stamp, W.Studholme, M.Tardocchi, T.W.Versloot, V.Vdovin, A.Whitehurst, E.Wooldridge, V.Zoita,  and JET EFDA Contributors , Minority and mode conversion heating in (3He)-H JET plasmas. Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion (2012) 54, :1-19
[24] E.Lerche, D.Van Eester, T.J.Johnson, T.Hellsten, J.Ongena, M.-L.Mayoral, D.Frigione, C.Sozzi, G.Calabro, M.Lennholm,P.Beaumont, T.Blackman, D.Brennan, A.Brett, M.Cecconello, I.Coffey, A.Coyne, K.Crombe, A.Czarnecka, R.Felton, C.Giroud, G.Gorini, C.Hellesen, P.Jacquet, V.Kiptily, S.Knipe,A.Krasilnikov, M.Maslov, I.Monakhov, C.Noble, M.Nocente, L.Pangioni, I.Proverbio, G.Sergienko, M.Stamp, W.Studholme, M.Tardocchi, V.Vdovin, T.Versloot, I.Voitsekhovitch, A.Whitehurst, E.Wooldridge, V.Zoita and JET EFDA Contributors, Experimental investigation of ion cyclotron range of frequencies heating scenarios for ITER's half-field hydrogen phase performed in JET. Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion (2012) 54, :1-25
[25] E.Lerche, D.Van Eester, J.Ongena, M.-L. Mayoral, M.Laxaback, F.Rimini, A.Argouarch, P.Beaumont, T.Blackman, V.Bobkov, D.Brennan, A.Brett, G.Calabro, M. Cecconello, I.Coffey, L.Colas, A.Coyne, K.Crombe, A.Czarnecka, R. Dumont, F.Durodie, R.Felton, D.Frigione, M.Gatu Johnson, C.Giroud, G. Gorini, M.Graham, C.Hellesen, T.Hellsten, S.Huygen, P.Jacquet, T.Johnson, V.Kiptily, S.Knipe, A.Krasilnikov, P.Lamalle, M. Lennholm, A.Loarte, R.Maggiora, M.Maslov, A.Messiaen, D. Milanesio, I.Monakhov, M.Nightingale, C.Noble, M.Nocente, L. Pangioni, I.Proverbio, C.Sozzi, M.Stamp, W.Studholme, M. Tardocchi, T.W.Versloot, V.Vdovin, M.Vrancken, A.Whitehurst, E. Wooldridge, V.Zoita,  and JET EFDA Contributors , Erratum: Optimizing ion-cyclotron resonance frequency heating for ITER: dedicated JET experiments. Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion (2012) 54, :1-6
[26] A.Czarnecka., F.Durodi´e, A.C.A.Figueiredo, K.D.Lawson, E.Lerche, M.-L.Mayoral, J.Ongena, D.Van Eester, K.-D.Zastrow, Vl.V.Bobkov, I.H.Coffey, L.Colas, P.Jacquet, I.Monakhov, and JET-EFDA contributors, Impurity production from the ion cyclotron resonance heating antennas in JET. Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion (2012) 54, :1-13
[27] M.Graham, M.-L.Mayoral, I.Monakhov, J.Ongena, T.Blackman, M.P.S.Nightingale, E.Wooldridge, F.Durodi´e, A.Argouarch, G.Berger-By, A.Czarnecka, S.Dowson, R.Goulding, S.Huygen, P.Jacquet, T.J.Wade, E.Lerche, P.U.Lamalle, H.Sheikh, D.Van Eester, M.Vrancken, A.Walden, A.Whitehurst,  and JET-EFDA contributors, Implementation of load resilient ion cyclotron resonant frequency (ICRF) systems to couple high levels of ICRF power to ELMy. Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion (2012) 54, :1-11
[28] F.Durodi´e, M.P.S.Nightingale, M.-L.Mayoral, J.Ongena, A.Argouarch, G.BergerBy, T.Blackman, V.Cocilovo, A.Czarnecka, S.Dowson, D.Frigione, R.Goulding, M.Graham, J.Hobirk, S.Huygen, S.Jachmich, P.Jacquet, E.Lerche, P.U.Lamalle, T.Loarer, R.Maggiora, A.Messiaen, D.Milanesio, I.Monakhov, M.F.F.Nave, F.Rimini, H.Sheikh, C.Sozzi, M.Tsalas, D.Van Eester, M.Vrancken, A.Whitehurst, E.Wooldridge, K.-D.Zastrow, and JET-EFDA contributors, Physics and engineering results obtained with the ion cyclotron range of frequencies ITER-like antenna on JET. Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion (2012) 54, :1-16
[29] D.Batani, L.A.Gizzi, P.Koester, L.Labate, J.Honrubia, L. Antonelli, A.Morace, L.Volpe, J.J.Santos, G.Schurtz, S.Hulin, X.Ribeyre, P.Nicolai, B.Vauzour, F.Dorchies, W.Nazarov, J.Pasley, M.Richetta, K.Lancaster, Ch.Spindloe, M.Tolley, D.Neely, M.Kozlova, J.Nejdl, B.Rus, J.Wołowski, and J.Badziak, Experimental results on advanced inertial fusion schemes obtained within the HiPER project. Nukleonika (2012) 57, :3-10
[30] V.A.Gribkov, V.N.Pimenov, V.V.Roschupkin, S.A.Maslyaev, E.V.Demina, M.M.Lyakhovitsky, A.V.Dubrovsky, I.P.Sasinovskaya, M.Chernyshova, M.Scholz, M.L.Crespo, A.Chicutin, and C.Tuniz, Irradiation of austenitic steel 10Cr12Mn14Ni4AlMo and titanum alloy Ti-Al.-V by pulsed streams of fast nitrogen ions and plasma in a dense plasma focus. Nukleonika (2012) 57, 2:291-295
[31] I.N.Demchenko, M.Chernyshova, W.C.Stolte, D.T.Speaks, and A.Derkachova, Electronic structure of polycrystalline cadmium dichloride studied by X-ray spectroscopies and ab initio calculations. Materials Chemistry and Physics (2012) 30, :1-8
[32] M.Scholz, L.Karpiński, V.I.Krauz, P.Kubeš, M.Paduch, and M.J.Sadowski, Progress in MJ plasma focus research at IPPLM. Nukleonika (2012) 57, 2:183-188
[33] J.Badziak, S.Jabłoński, and P.Rączka, Highly efficient generation of ultraintense high-energy ion beams using laser-unduced cavity pressure acceleration. Applied Physics Letters (2012) 101, 8:084102(1-4)
[34] A.Kasperczuk, T.Pisarczyk, T.Chodukowski, Z.Kalinowska, P.Parys, O.Renner, S.Yu.Gus'kov, N.N.Demchenko, J.Ullschmied, E.Krousky, M.Pfeifer, K.Rohlena, and J.Skala, Laser-produced aluminum plasma expansion inside a plastic plasma envelope. Physics of Plasmas (2012) 19, :092106(1-8)
[35] P.Kubes, V.Krauz, K.Mitrofanov, M.Paduch, M.Scholz, T.Pisarczyk, T.Chodukowski, Z.Kalinowska, L. Karpiński, D.Klir, J.Kortanek, E.Zielińska, J.Kravarik, and K.Rezac, Correlation of magnetic probe and neutron signals with interferometry figures on the plasma focus discharge. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (2012) 54, :105023(10)
[36] L.Torrisi, S.Cavallaro, M.Rosiński, V.Nassisi, V.Paperny, and I.Romanov, Post acceleration of ions emitted from laser and spark-generated plasmas. Nukleonika (2012) 57, 3:323-332
[37] V. Gribkov, R.A. Miklaszewski, M. Chernyshova, M. Scholz, R. Prokopovicz, K. Tomaszewski, K. Drozdowicz, U. Wiącek, B. Gabańska, D. Dworak, K. Pytel, and A. Zawadka, A single-shot nanosecond neutron pulsed technique for the detection of fissile materials. Journal of Instrumentation (2012) 7 C07005, :1-21
[38] R. Miklaszewski, U. Wiącek, D. Dworak, K. Drozdowicz, and V. Gribkov, Detection of explosives and other illicit materials by a single nanosecond neutron pulses — Monte Carlo simulation of the detection process. Journal of Instrumentation (2012) 7 C07006, :1-12
[39] T.Grycuk, M.Kubkowska, and T.Szcześniak, Long-range interactions from the self-broadened profile of Zn (41P1-41S0) and Cd (51P1-51S0) lines: correction of the interaction potential parameters. Journal of Physics B  (2012) 45, :1-9
[40] H.Schmidt, T.Pisarczyk, and T.Chodukowski, Density Distributions During the Neutron-Producing Phase of the Plasma Focus POSEIDON. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (2012) 40, 12:3265-3272
[41] S.Jednoróg, A.Szydłowski, M.Scholz, M.Paduch, and B.Bieńkowska, Preliminary determination of angular distribution of neutrons emitted from PF-1000 facility by indium activation. Nukleonika (2012) 57, 4:563-568
[42] M.Kubkowska, M.Paduch, E.Zielińska, E.Składnik-Sadowska, R.Kwiatkowski, K.Malinowski, M.Sadowski, Optical emission spectroscopy of pulsed plasma streams emitted from a modified PF-1000 facility. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology (2012) 6, 82:246-248
[43] M.Paduch, T.Pisarczyk, T.Chodukowski, Z.Kalinowska, E.Zielińska, M.Scholz, L.Karpiński, V. Gribkov, A. Demin, E. Demina, A. Dubrovsky,S. Maslyaev, V.Pimenov, Physical Processes of the Interaction of Ion and Plasma Streams with a Target Surface in a Dense Plasma Focus Device. Plasma Physics Reports (2012) 38, 13:1082-1089
[44] J.Badziak, Laser nuclear fusion: current status, challenges and prospect. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences - Technical Sciences (2012) 60, 4:729-738
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Projekty badawcze realizowane przez IFPiLM są finansowane ze środków Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki i Narodowego Centrum Nauki oraz ze środków Komisji Europejskiej na podstawie umowy grantowej No 633053, w ramach Konsorcjum EUROfusion. Wsparcia finansowego udzielają także: Międzynarodowa Agencja Energii Atomowej, Agencja Fusion for Energy, Europejska Agencja Kosmiczna i Konsorcjum LaserLab.


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