[1] K.Jakubowska, M.Kubkowska, E.Składnik-Sadowska, K.Malinowski, M.Paduch, M.J.Sadowski, M.Scholz, and M.Ladygina, Optical spectroscopy of plasma beam interaction with tungsten target and temporal characteristic of spectral line emission in PF-1000. Acta Technica (2011) 56, T:107-112

[2] J.Badziak and S.Jabłoński, Acceleration of a solid-density plasma projectile to ultrahigh velocities by a short-pulse ultraviolet laser. Applied Physics Letters (2011) 99, 071502:1-3

[3] S.Borodziuk, T.Chodukowski, Z.Kalinowska, A.Kasperczuk, T.Pisarczyk, J.Ullschmied, E.Krousky, M.Pfeifer, K.Rohlena, J.Skala, and P.Pisarczyk, Forward and backward cavity pressure acceleration of macroparticles. Applied Physics Letters (2011) 86, 231501:1-3

[4] D. Klir, P. Kubes, M. Paduch, T. Pisarczyk, T. Chodukowski, M. Scholz, Z. Kalinowska, E. Zielińska, B. Bieńkowska, J. Hitschfel, S. Jednorog, L. Karpiński, J. Kortanek, J. Kravarik, K. Rezac, I. Ivanova-Stanik, and K. Tomaszewski, Experimental evidence of thermonuclear neutrons in a modified plasma focus. Applied Physics Letters (2011) 98, 071501:1-3

[5] E. Skladnik-Sadowska, K. Malinowski, M. J. Sadowski, M. Kubkowska, K. Jakubowska, M. Paduch, M. Scholz, I. E. Garkusha, M. Ladygina, and V. I. Tereshin, Optical spectroscopy of free-propagating plasma and its interaction with tungsten targets in PF-1000 facility. Contributions to Plasma Physics (2011) 51, 2-3:1-5

[6] E. Zielińska, M. Paduch, and M. Scholz, Sixteen-frame interferometer for a study of a pinch dynamics in PF-1000 device. Contributions to Plasma Physics (2011) 51, 2-3:279-283

[7] M.Curuia, M.Anghel, N.Balshaw, P.Blanchard, T.Craciunescu, T.Edlington, M.Gherendi, V.Kiptily, K.Kneupner, I.Lengar, A.Murari, P.Prior, S.Sanders, M.Scholz, S.Soare, I.Stefanescu, B.Syme, V.Zoita, and JET EFDA Contributors, Implementation and testing of the JET gamma-ray cameras neutron filters pneumatic system. Fusion Engineering and Design (2011) 86, :1196-1199

[8] P.Gąsior, M.Bieda, M.Kubkowska, R.Neu, J.Wołowski,  and ASDEX Upgrade Team, Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy as diagnostics for fuel retention and removal and wall composition in fusion reactors with mixed-material. Fusion Engineering and Design (2011) 99, 6-8:1239-1242

[9] P. Kubes, M. Paduch, T. Pisarczyk, M. Scholz, T. Chodukowski, D. Klir, J. Kravarik, K. Rezac, I. Ivanova-Stanik, L. Karpiński, M. J. Sadowski, K. Tomaszewski, and E. Zielińska, Spontaneous Transformation in the Pinched Column of the Plasma Focus. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (2011) 39, 1:562-568

[10] I.N.Demchenko, M.Chernyshova, E.Piskorska-Hommel, R.Minikayev, J.Z.Domagala, T.Yamaguchi,  W.C.Stolte, and K.Lawniczak-Jabłońska, An XANES and XES investigation of the electronic structure of indium rich InxGa1-xN films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2011) 509, 9528-9535

[11] S.Barral and J.Miedzik, Numerical investigation of closed-loop control for Hall accelerators. Journal of Applied Physics (2011) 109, 013302:1-10

[12] I.N.Demchenko, M.Chernyshova, T.Tyliszczak, J.D.Denlinger, K.M.Yu, D.T.Speaks, O.Hemmers, W.Walukiewicz, G.Derkachov, and K.Lawniczak-Jabłońska, Electronic structure of CdO studied by soft X-ray spectroscopy. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena (2011) 184, :249-253

[13] R.Zagórski, V.Pericoli, and G.Telesca, Integrated modeling of ITER scenarious with carbon and tungsten walls. Journal of Nuclear Materials (2011) 101, 1:S483-S487

[14] S.Jacquemot, F.Amiranoff, S.D.Baton, J.C.Chanteloup, C.Labaune, M.Koenig, D.T.Michel, F.Perez, H.P.Schlenvoigt, B.Canaud, C.Cherfils Clérouin, G.Debras, S.Depierreux, J.Ebrardt, D.Juraszek, S.Lafitte, P.Loiseau, J.L.Miquel, F.Philippe, C.Rousseaux, N.Blanchot, C.B.Edwards, P.Norreys, S.Atzeni, A.Schiavi, J.Breil, J.L.Feugeas, L.Hallo, M.Lafon, X.Ribeyre, J.J.Santos, G.Schurtz, V.Tikhonchuk, A.Debayle, J.J.Honrubia, M.Temporal, D.Batani, J.R.Davies, F.Fiuza, R.A.Fonseca, L.O.Silva, L.A.Gizzi, P.Koester, L.Labate, J.Badziak, and O.Klimo, Studying ignition schemes on European laser facilities. Nuclear Fusion (2011) 51, 094025:1-9

[15] P.Jacquet, L.Colas, M.-L.Mayoral, G.Arnoux, V.Bobkov, M.Brix, P.Coad, A.Czarnecka, D.Dodt, F.Durodie, A.Ekedahl, D.Frigione, M.Fursdon, E.Gauthier, M.Goniche, M.Graham, E.Joffrin, A.Korotkov, E.Lerche, J.Mailloux, I.Monakhov, C.Noble, J.Ongena, V.Petrzilka, C.Portafaix, F.Rimini, A.Sirinelli, V.Riccardo, Z.Vizvary, A.Widdowson, K.-D.Zastrow, and JET EFDA Contributors, Heat loads on JET plasma facing components from ICRF and LH wave absorption in the SOL. Nuclear Fusion (2011) 51, 103018:1-16

 [16] S.Chaurasia, S.Tripathi, L.Ryć, and L.J.Dhareshwar, Influence of laser focal position on X-ray and ion emission of copper plasma. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2011) 638, 1:110-115

[17] D.Margarone, J.Krasa, A.Picciotto, L.Torrisi, L.Laska, A.Velyhan, J.Prokupek, L.Ryć, P.Parys, J.Ullschmied, and B.Rus, High current, high energy proton beams accelerated by a sub-nanosecond laser. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2011) 653, 1:159-163

[18] R. Prokopowicz, B. Bieńkowska, K. Drozdowicz, S. Jednoróg, E. Kowalska-Strzęciwilk, A. Murari, S. Popovichev, K. Pytel, M. Scholz, A. Szydlowski, B. Syme, G. Tracz, and JET-EFDA Contributors, Measurements of neutrons at JET by means of the activation methods. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2011) 637, 1:119-127

 [19] B.Zatko, F.Dubecký, P.Boháček, J.Huran, V.Nečas, and L.Ryć, Development and evaluation of semi-insulating GaAs detectors in hot plasmas diagnostics. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2011) 633, S:131-133

[20] K.Jakubowska, M.Kubkowska, E.Składnik-Sadowska, K.Malinowski, A.K.Marchenko, M.Paduch, M.J.Sadowski, and M.Scholz, Optical emission spectroscopy of plasma streams in PF-1000 experiments. Nukleonika (2011) 56, 2:125-129

[21] R.Kwiatkowski, E.Składnik-Sadowska, K.Malinowski, M.J.Sadowski, K.Czaus, J.Żebrowski, L.Karpiński, M.Paduch, and M.Scholz, Measurements of electron and ion beams emitted from the PF-1000 device in the upstream and downstream direction. Nukleonika (2011) 56, 2:119-123

[22] D.Batani, M.Koenig, S.Baton, F.Perez, L.A.Gizzi, P.Koester, L.Labate, J.Honrubia, l.Antonelli, A.Morace, L.Volpe, J.Santos, G.Schurtz, S.Hulin, X.Ribeyre, C.Fourment, P.Nicolai, B.Vauzour, L.Gremillet, W.Nazarov, J.Pasley, M.Richetta, K.lancaster, C.Spindloe, M.Tolley, D.Neely, M.Kozlova, J.Nejdl, B.Rus, J.Wołowski, J.Badziak, and F.Dorchies, The HiPER project for inertial confinement fusion and some experimental results on advanced ignition schemes. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (2011) 53, 124041:1-13

[23] A. Czarnecka, K. -D. Zastrow, J. Rzadkiewicz, I. H. Coffey, K. D. Lawson, M. G. O'Mullane, and JET-EFDA Contributors, Determination of metal impurity density, Zeff and dilution on JET by VUV emission spectroscopy. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (2011) 53, 35009:1-16

[24] E.Havlčková, W.Fundamenski, V.Naulin, A.H.Nielsen, R.Zagórski, J.Seidl, and J.Horáček, Steady-state and time-dependent modelling of parallel transport in the scrape-off layer. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (2011) 53, 065004:1-24

[25] A.Kasperczuk, T.Pisarczyk, J.Badziak, S.Borodziuk, T.Chodukowski, S.Yu.Gus'kov, N.N.Demchenko, D.Klir, J.Kravarik, P.Kubes, K.Rezac, J.Ullschmied, E.Krousky, K.Masek, M.Pfeifer, K.Rohlena, J.Skala, and P.Pisarczyk, Interaction of a laser-produced copper plasma jet with ambient plastic plasma. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (2011) 53, 095003:1-16

[26] D.Klir, P.Kubes, M.Paduch, T.Pisarczyk, T.Chodukowski, M.Scholz, Z.Kalinowska, B.Bieńkowska, L.Karpiński, J.Kortanek, J.Kravarik, K.Rezac, I.Ivanova-Stanik, K.Tomaszewski, and E.Zielińska, Search for thermonuclear neutrons in a mega-ampere plasma focus. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (2011) 54, 015001:1-11

[27] K. D. Lawson, K. M. Aggarwal, I. H. Coffey, F. P. Keenan, M. G. O'Mullane, L. Ryć, J. Zacks, and JET-EFDA Contributors, An analysis of VUV CIV emission from the JET divertor giving measurements of electron temperatures. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (2011) 53, 015002:1-22

[28] E.Lerche, D.Van Eester, J.Ongena, M-L.Mayoral, M.Laxaback, F.Rimini, A.Argouarch, P.Beaumont, T.Blackman, V.Bobkov, D.Brennan, A.Brett, G.Calabro, M.Cecconello, I.Coffey, L.Colas, A.Coyne, K.Crombe, A.Czarnecka, R.Dumont, F.Durodie, R.Felton, D.Frigione, M.Gatu Johnson, C.Giroud, G.Gorini, M.Graham, C.Hellesen, T.Hellsten, S.Huygen, P.Jacquet, T.Johnson, V.Kiptily, S.Knipe, A.Krasilnikov, P.Lamalle, M.Lennholm, A.Loarte, R.Maggiora, M.Maslov, A.Messiaen, D.Milanesio, I.Monakhov, M.Nightingale, C.Noble, M.Nocente, L.Pangioni, I.Proverbio, C.Sozzi, M.Stamp, W.Studholme, M.Tardocchi, T.W.Versloot, V.Vdovin, M.Vrancken, A.Whitehurst, E.Wooldrige, V.Zoita, and JET EFDA Contributors, Opimizing ion-cyclotron resonance frequency heating for ITER: dedicated JET experiments. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (2011) 53, 124019:1-18

[29] G.Telesca, R.Zagórski, S.Brezinsek, W.Fundamenski, C.Giroud, G.Maddison, M.O'Mullane, J.Rapp, M.Stamp, G.Van Oost, and JET EFDA Contributors, Simulation with the COREDIV code of nitrogen-seeded H-mode discharges at JET. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (2011) 53, 115002:1-15

[30] E.V.Demina, V.N.Pimenov, S.A.Maslyaev, V.A.Gribkov, A.V.Dubrovskii, I.P.Sasinovskaya, Yu.E.Ugaste, T.I.Laas, and M.Scholz, Changes in the structure and nitride phase formation in the surface layer of Fe-based alloys under the pulsed action of nitrogen ions and nitrogen plasma. Plasmochemical Methods for the Production and Treatment of Materials (2011) 2, 3:230-236

[31] V. A. Gribkov, C. Tuniz, E. V. Demina, A. V. Dubrovsky, V. N. Pimenov, Maslyaev, R. Gaffka, M. Gryaznevich, E. Składnik-Sadowska, M. J. Sadowski, R. Miklaszewski, M. Paduch, and M. Scholz, Experimental studies of radiation resistance of boron nitride, C2C ceramics Al2O3 and carbon-fiber composites using a PF-1000 plasma-focus device. Physica Scripta (2011) 83, 045606:1-12

[32] M.Polasik, K.Słabkowska, K.Kozioł, J.Starosta, J.-Cl.Dousse, J.Hoszowska, and J.Rzadkiewicz, Lifetimes of doubly K-shell ionized states. Physica Scripta (2011) T144, 014021:1-3

[33] M.Polasik, K.Słabkowska, J.Rzadkiewicz, K.Kozioł, J.Starosta, E.Wiatrowska-Kozioł, J.-Cl.Dousse, and J.Hoszowska, Kh?1,2 X-Ray hypersatellite line broadening as a signature of K-Shell double photoionization followed by outer-shell ionization and excitation. Physical Review Letters (2011) 107, 073001:1-5

[34] J.Badziak, G.Mishra, N.K.Gupta, and A.R.Holkundkar, Generation of ultraintense proton beams by multi-ps circularly polarized laser pulses for fast ignition-related applications. Physics of Plasmas (2011) 18, 053108:1-9

[35] S.Barral, J.Kaczmarczyk, J.Kurzyna, and M.Dudeck, Closed-loop control of ionization oscillations in Hall accelerators. Physics of Plasmas (2011) 18, 083504:1-5

[36] A.Kasperczuk, T.Pisarczyk, T.Chodukowski, Z.Kalinowska, P.Parys, J.Ullschmied, E.Krousky, M.Pfeifer, J.Skala, D.Klir, J.Kravarik, P.Kubes, K.Rezac, and P.Pisarczyk, Interaction of Cu and plastic plasmas as a method of forming laser produced Cu plasma streams with a narrow jet or pipe geometry. Physics of Plasmas (2011) 18, 044503:1-4

[37] O.Renner, T.Pisarczyk, T.Chodukowski, Z.Kalinowska, E.Krousky, P.Pisarczyk, M.Smid, J.Ullschmied, and E.Dalimier, Plasma-wall interaction studies with optimized laser-produced jets. Physics of Plasmas (2011) 18, 093503:1-5

[38] J.Zaleśny, G.Galant, M.Lisak, S.Marczyński, P.Berczyński, A.Gałkowski, and S.Berczyński, Nonlinear evolution of two fast-particle-driven modes near the linear stability threshold. Physics of Plasmas (2011) 18, 062109:1-9

[39] D. Klir, J. Kravarik, P. Kubes, K. Rezac, E. Litseva, K. Tomaszewski, L. Karpiński, M. Paduch, and M. Scholz, Fusion neutron detector for time-of-flight measurements in z-pinch and plasma focus experiments. Review of Scientific Instruments (2011) 82, 33505:1-7

[40] J.Krása, A.Velyhan, E.Krouský, L.Láska, K.Rohlena, K.Jungwirth, J.Ullschmied, A.Lorusso, L.Velardi, V.Nassisi, A.Czarnecka, L.Ryć, P.Parys, and J.Wołowski, Emission characteristics and stability of laser ion sources. Vacuum (2010) 85, 5:617-621

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