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"IMAS database and IDS data structures, or how ITER people want us to store tokamak data", dr Grzegorz Pełka, IFPiLM

Link do spotkania w aplikacji Microsoft Teams: https://tiny.pl/dwlk6



The practice of giving people files with sequences of mysteriously ordered numbers must be stopped. Each machine or code cannot be a completely new world to discover. Someone influential must enforce some kind of order. IMAS database system is an ITER-backed initiative aimed at establishing a common framework for tokamak (or even all MFC devices) data storage and exchange. The data present itself to the user as leaves of a multibranched tree build according to so called IDS structure. The structure is still growing to accommodate various data types requested by the users (both experimentalists and modellers). Naturally, most of the branches are going empty. Which one depends on a particular diagnostics or code considered. A common file browser is provided; so, viewing data is trivial (but can be tedious - an expected feature of general purpose tools). The data manipulation needs dedicated software that either grow leaves on selected branches of the IDS tree or reads them. The routines in major programming languages (Fortran, C, Python...) to store the tree in a file in the database or retrieve it are provided. Needless to say, this IT hocus-pocus is not going to solve for us real-life data issues of compatibility of of data creators and users expectations. Still interpolation / extrapolation / transformation tools are going to be needed, but writing then will be easier. Anyway, chances are, everybody in MCF field will sooner or later need to work with IMAS, I try to urge there is nothing to fear.

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Projekty badawcze realizowane przez IFPiLM są finansowane ze środków Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki i Narodowego Centrum Nauki oraz ze środków Komisji Europejskiej na podstawie umowy grantowej No 633053, w ramach Konsorcjum EUROfusion. Wsparcia finansowego udzielają także: Międzynarodowa Agencja Energii Atomowej, Agencja Fusion for Energy, Europejska Agencja Kosmiczna i Konsorcjum LaserLab.


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