Zestaw obrazów 2019
Link do spotkania w aplikacji Microsoft Teams: https://tiny.pl/cvr92
Introduced in the 1960s, the relatively compact size and uncomplicated design of the devices made them attractive as the foundation for fusion power plants, although that application was eventually discounted after decades of research. More recently, the DPF has been considered as a neutron source for radiography and other national security applications. An important complement to x-ray imaging, fast neutron imaging enables researchers to examine the lighter elements in objects of study. Unlike current commercial and industrial neutron imaging sources, the DPF generates an incredibly bright but very short flash (less than 100 nanoseconds) that is well-suited for taking still-frame pictures of highly dynamic processes.
Unfortunately, the renaissance of interest in Plasma-Focus devices observed in recent years, including the construction of several such plants in the US, is mainly related to their applications in security and defense.
czwartek, 23 Sty 2025, godz. 13.00 Seminarium instytutowe: "Hybrid-Density Functional Theory Investigation of Defect Formations in Si-Doped β-Ga₂O₃: Theoretical Insights Supporting Experimental Results", dr Asiyeh Shokri, IFPiLM |
Projekty badawcze realizowane przez IFPiLM są finansowane ze środków Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki i Narodowego Centrum Nauki oraz ze środków Komisji Europejskiej na podstawie umowy grantowej No 633053, w ramach Konsorcjum EUROfusion. Wsparcia finansowego udzielają także: Międzynarodowa Agencja Energii Atomowej, Agencja Fusion for Energy, Europejska Agencja Kosmiczna i Konsorcjum LaserLab.