Przemysław Tchórz from the Department of Laser Plasma Physics and Applications at the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion was appointed as part of the competition as co-Leader of the WG2 working group: Experiments: Proton boron and Towards the practical realization of compact laser-driven α-particle sources in the international COST Action PROBONO project - "Proton Boron Nuclear Fusion: From Energy Production To Medical Applications (ProBoNo)".
Cooperation and development of experimental research
WG2: Experiments focuses on experimental research on proton-boron (pB) fusion, a nuclear fusion process in which a proton (hydrogen nucleus) reacts with a boron nucleus, leading to the formation of alpha particles (helium nuclei) and the release of large amounts of energy. PB fusion is considered as an interesting alternative to the currently most frequently considered deuterium-tritium (DT) fusion scenario since it does not generate neutrons and, therefore, does not lead to the generation of radioactive waste. Due to the high plasma temperatures required to induce this reaction, pB fusion is difficult to achieve in tokamak devices that rely on magnetic confinement of the plasma. In the case of a direct collision of these two particles, the proton energy requirements are, in turn, easily achievable during the laser ion acceleration process, which makes it an area of intensive scientific research using high-power laser systems.
Przemysław Tchórz, as co-Leader, will support the implementation of the main goals of the group, such as the coordination of experiments conducted in international laser laboratories, including the preparation and implementation of the first project as Principal Investigator titled "Hybrid laser-induced proton-boron fusion using nanosecond laser system: benchmark of an approach employing protons produced during thermonuclear D(d,p)T reaction", using the L4n laser system at the ELI Beamlines facility (Czech Republic) in spring 2025. Researchers from ten leading European institutions currently dealing with proton-boron fusion are involved in this experiment, which will consolidate interdisciplinary cooperation between these institutions and significantly intensify progress in the work carried out in this field and in building the research network centered around COST Action PROBONO.
COST Action PROBONO – proton-boron fusion research network
COST Action PROBONO is an initiative aimed at understanding pB fusion at an experimental and theoretical level. This project enables the exchange of knowledge between research centres, establishing new cooperation and strengthening the existing one between groups with the highest competences in this topic, as well as participation in experimental campaigns, organization of trainings, conferences and summer schools for young researchers. The WG2 group plays a key role in implementing experimental research programs and building a scientific community focused on the topic of pB fusion.
A new role in an international project
Przemysław Tchórz's new role in the CORE Group of the PROBONO project is recognition of his experience and contribution to laser fusion research. Congratulations on your new position and we wish you success in your research.
Photo 1 - ELI Beamlines (Dolní Břežany, Czech Republic), experimental chamber in the E3 experimental hall next to the L4n laser system.
Photo 2 - Lecture by Przemysław Tchórz during the 4th International Workshop on Proton-Boron Fusion, 30/09 - 3/10/2024, Frascati, Italy.
Photo 3 - ELI Beamlines (Dolní Břežany, Czech Republic), ELIMED research system at the L3 laser system.
Photos: IPPLM