On 18-22 September 2023, the international scientific conference PLASMA 2023 on plasma research and applications was held in Warsaw. The event was organized by the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion. The conference was attended by almost 100 participants from 16 countries including Belgium, China, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Japan, South Korea, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Serbia, the United States, Switzerland, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
The topics covered during the conference included:
- Plasmas in tokamaks and stellarators. Magnetic confinement fusion
- Plasmas generated by laser beams. Inertial confinement fusion
- Space plasmas and laboratory astrophysics
- Dusty plasmas
- Plasma diagnostics. Measurements and data processing, including AI
- Plasma medicine
- Elementary processes, general plasma physics.
The chairperson of the International Scientific Committee was Monika Kubkowska, IPPLM Professor, Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs, and the Local Organizing Committee was headed by Agata Chomiczewska, IPPLM Professor.
During the conference, there were 22 invited lectures, 21 oral presentations and two poster sessions with 40 posters.
Participants of the PLASMA 2023 conference. Photo: © IPPLM |
During the second day of the event, a plenary session was held on groundbreaking achievements in the field of nuclear fusion. Dr. Ernesto Lerche from the Culham Science Center (UKAEA), LPP-ERM/KMS discussed the landmark results obtained by European researchers in December 2021 on the world's largest device for carrying out controlled thermonuclear reactions, namely JET (Joint European Torus) tokamak, which is located in the UK. Dr. Clement Trosseille from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the United States presented the success of American researchers related to obtaining a positive energy balance in the process of laser nuclear fusion in December 2022 and July 2023.
In addition to the conference participants, the session was also attended by media representatives, including: PAP, Gazeta.pl, Focus.pl, Postępy Techniki Jądrowej, representatives of national institutions, students as well as high school students.
The plenary session was broadcast on the IPPLM YouTube channel. It can currently be viewed on: www.youtube.com/@ifpilm/streams
The project is co-financed by the state budget funds under the program of the Minister of Education and Science called "Excellent science II - support for scientific conferences: International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas - PLASMA 2023”, project No. KONF/SN/0198/2023/01.
Event sponsors: EKSPLA, Hamamatsu, IRtech Sp. z o.o., Precoptic, Quantum Design, Tespol Sp. z o.o. oraz Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy Euratom-IFPiLM. Partner: Applied Science journal.
The next edition of the PLASMA conference will take place in 2025.