KONGRES NdS bannery 1200x1200 darkOn June 3-5, 2023, the Congress "Science for Society" will be held at the Warsaw University of Technology. During the event, the achievements of Polish research units, educational centres and scientific circles will be presented.

The Congress will be attended by outstanding experts, and the program will include numerous lectures and popular science panels. On Sunday, June 4, at 10:00 in the Small auditorium of the Warsaw University of Technology a panel will be held entitled: The Sun on Earth, or the optimization of thermonuclear energy conversion technology, which will be led by Dr. Agata Chomiczewska, IPPLM Professor, together with Dr. Agnieszka Zaraś-Szydłowska and Dr. Piotr Chmielewski from the IPPLM.

During the Congress, you will be able to visit the exhibition of research institutes, educational and science popularization units. At the IPPLM stand, guests will be able to learn about nuclear fusion and the Institute's research activities. The exhibition will be open for three days: on 3 and 4 June from 10:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m. and on 5 June from 10:00 a.m. till 3:00 p.m.

The program and detailed information about the Congress can be found at: https://nauka-dla-spoleczenstwa.pl

The event is held under the honorary patronage of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Education and Science.

Source: Nauka dla Społeczeństwa

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IPPLM employee nominated for the Personality of the Year title in the Science category


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Prof. Monika Kubkowska has been appointed the new IPPLM director


Prof. Monika Kubkowska has been appointed the new IPPLM director

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Dr. Hellmut Schmidt has passed away


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Groundbreaking achievement in nuclear fusion research


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A breakthrough achievement in nuclear fusion research – announcement of the results


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JET delivers final plasma


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Register your participation in the 17th edition of the Kudowa Summer School "Towards Fusion Energy"!


Register your participation in the 17th edition of the Kudowa Summer School "Towards Fusion Energy"!

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IPPLM researchers among the winners of the NCN MINIATURA 7 competition


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IPPLM becomes a partner of the European Innovation Council


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First observation of how fusion keeps itself hot boosts confidence in ITER and future fusion power plants


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Dr. Gianfranco Federici appointed as the new EUROfusion Programme Manager


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EUROfusion and F4E join forces for Europe’s fusion future


EUROfusion and F4E join forces for Europe’s fusion future

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John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey E. Hinton awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics


John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey E. Hinton awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics

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Wendelstein 7-X begins new experimental campaign


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ITER's New Project Baseline: A Robust Path to Fusion Energy Research


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Europe and Japan celebrate breakthrough in paving the way for fusion energy


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First plasma was successfully generated at JT-60SA


First plasma was successfully generated at JT-60SA

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The Nobel Prize in Physics 2023


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US Lab Replicates Fusion Ignition Breakthrough


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New Programme Manager Elect announced by EUROfusion


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EUROfusion stands in solidarity with research in Ukraine


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Eight-minute production of plasma with gigajoule energy turnover at Wendelstein 7-X


Eight-minute production of plasma with gigajoule energy turnover at Wendelstein 7-X

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The Nobel Prize in Physics 2022


The Nobel Prize in Physics 2022

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New experiments for fusion energy record breaker JET


New experiments for fusion energy record breaker JET

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ITER appoints new Director-General


Pietro Barabaschi has become the next Director-General of the ITER Organization as a result of the unanimous choice of the Council from among finalist candidates. In the transition period Dr....

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Starting power plant design


Starting power plant design

At a livestreamed Horizon EUROfusion event in Brussels on 5 July 2022, EUROfusion celebrated the start of conceptual design activities for Europe's first demonstration fusion power plant DEMO. This first-of-a-kind...

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Celebration of achieving a crucial assembly milestone in the ITER Project


Celebration of achieving a crucial assembly milestone in the ITER Project

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Burning plasma achieved in inertial fusion at the National Ignition Facility


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Historic milestone reached by JET scientists


Historic milestone reached by JET scientists

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Horizon Europe Grant Agreement signed


Horizon Europe Grant Agreement signed

15 December 2021 saw the EUROfusion consortium signing the Grant Agreement under Horizon Europe, the European Framework Programme from 2021 – 2027, in an aim to launch comprehensive R&D approach...

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National Ignition Facility experiment puts researchers at threshold of fusion ignition


National Ignition Facility experiment puts researchers at threshold of fusion ignition

On Aug. 8, 2021, an experiment at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL’s) National Ignition Facility (NIF) made a significant step toward ignition, achieving a yield of more than 1.3 megajoules...

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"Chinese artificial sun" proves to be the hottest


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A solution provided by the UK experimental results at MAST


A solution provided by the UK experimental results at MAST

The exhaust system proved commercially effective for fusion power plants thanks to the UK Atomic Energy Authority’s new MAST Upgrade experiment at CCFE. Culham scientists performing testing applied the Super-X system...

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What we do

Our laboratories

Research projects carried out at the IPPLM are funded by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science, the National Science Centre and by the European Commission within the framework of EUROfusion Consortium under grant agreement No 633053. Financial support comes also from the International Atomic Energy Agency, European Space Agency and LaserLab Consortium as well as from the Fusion for Energy Agency.

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