- 24th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interaction in Fusion Devices (PSI-24), 25-29.01, Jeju, South Korea
- M. Chernyshova, D. Mazon, T. Czarski, K. Malinowski, A. Wojeński, P. Malard, E. Kowalska-Strzęciwilk, K. T. Poźniak, G. Kasprowicz, W. Zabołotny, R. D. Krawczyk, P. Kolasiński, M. Gąska, P. Linczuk: „First exploitation results of recently developed SXR GEM-based diagnostics at the WEST project” (poster)
- P. Chmielewski, R. Zagórski, G. Telesca, A. Huber, I. Ivanova-Stanik, E. Kowalska-Strzęciwilk, P. Tamain, N. Vianello: „TECXY simulations of Ne seeding in JET-DT scenarios” (poster)
- Space Propulsion 2020, 17-19.03, Estoril, Portugalia
- A. Jardin (prezentacja wyników dot. pracy doktorskiej)
- 28th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2020), 10-15.05, Wiedeń, Austria
- M. Jabłczyńska (bez referatu)
- European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (ECPD 2021), 7-11.06, Salamanca, Hiszpania
- K. Malinowski, M. Chernyshova, S. Jabłoński, I. Casiraghi: „Optimization of GEM-based detector readout electrode structure for SXR imaging of tokamak plasma” (poster)
- M. Kubkowska, M. Gruca, S. Jabłoński, L. Ryć, U. Neuner: „Intensity calibration and reduction of pile-up effect in PHA spectra measurements at W7-X” (oral)
- International Conference on Diagnostics for Fusion Reactors, 6-9.09, Varenna, Włochy
- M. Chernyshova, K. Malinowski, S. Jabłoński, T. Fornal, K. Mikszuta-Michalik, T. Czarski, K. Tomaszewski: „On preliminary considerations towards development of radiated power and SXR diagnostics for DEMO” (oral)
- The 18th International Workshop on Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices (PET21), 13-15.09, Lozanna, Szwajcaria
- G. Telesca, A. Chomiczewska, A. Huber, I. Ivanova-Stanik, E. Kowalska-Strzęciwilk, Ch. Perez von Thun, R. Zagórski: „Core-SOL simulations of high power JET-ILW pulses fuelled with gas and/or with pellets” (poster)
- 14th Carolus Magnus Summer School, 20.09-1.10, Jülich. Niemcy
- M. Jagielski, M. Jabłczyńska (bez referatu)
- Summer School of Plasma Diagnostics PhDiaFusion 2021, 20-24.09, Niepołomice, Polska
- A. Jardin, P. Lubiński: „Searching for intermittent behavior in the Hall effect thruster ion current waveforms” (oral)
- Joint ICTP-IAEA Virtual Workshop on Atomistic Modelling of Radiation Damage in Nuclear Systems, 4-8.10, Triest, Włochy
- E. Łaszyńska: „Benchmark experiments with ITER materials irradiated in the JET tokamak - cross-chech of the neutron-induced activity results obtained by Laboratories” (poster)
- The third PHITS online advanced tutorial for beginners, 19-22.10, Culham, Wielka Brytania
- M. Chernyshova, K. Malinowski (bez referatu)
- Euro-Mediterranean Symposium on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (EMSLIBS 2021), 29.11-2.12, Gijon, Hiszpania
- P. Gąsior, W. Gromelski, M. Kastek, A. Kwaśnik: „Analysis of hydrogen isotopes retention in thermonuclear reactors with LIBS supported by machine learning” (oral)
- W. Gromelski, P. Gąsior, A. Kwaśnik: „Analysis of temporal ion emmision with electron density and temperature in carbon plasma induced by double pulse laser” (poster)
- 29th European Fusion Programme Workshop (EFPW29), 30.11-2.12, Zagrzeb, Chorwacja
- E. Łaszyńska (bez referatu)
- 2nd Fusion HPC Workshop, 2-3.12, Barcelona, Hiszpania
- T. Fornal, D. Stańczak (bez referatu)