1. D. Babankova, L. Juha, S. Civis, M. Bittner, J. Cihelka, A. Bartnik, H. Fiedorowicz, J. Mikołajczyk, L. Ryć, M. Pfeifer, J. Skala, J. Ullschmied,
    "Large laser sparks for laboratory simulation of high-energy-density events In planetarny atmospheres",
    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5906, 590614-1 to 10 (2005).

  2. J. Badziak, A. Czarnecka, P. Gąsior, P. Parys, V. Philips, M. Rosiński, M. Rubel, J. Wołowski,
    "Application of ion diagnostics to control the laser-induced removal of surface layer of a carbon substrate",
    PLASMA 2005, International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas, 3rd German-Polish Conference of Plasma Diagnostics for Fusion and Applications, 5th French-Polish Seminar on Thermal Plasma in Space and Laboratory, Opole-Turawa, Poland 6-9 September 2005, pp.295-298.

  3. J. Badziak, S. Jabłoński, S. Głowacz, P. Parys, J. Wołowski,
    "Production of collimated high-current ion beams using skin-layer ponderomotive acceleration at relativistic laser intensities",
    33rd EPS Conf. on Plasma Phys. Rome, 19-23 June 2006 ECA Vol. 301, P-2.023 (2006)

  4. S. Głowacz, J. Badziak, S. Jabłoński, H. Hora,
    "Hydrodynamic Simulation of Laser-Driven Generation of Fast High-Density Plasma Blocks",
    PLASMA 2005, International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas, 3rd German-Polish Conference of Plasma Diagnostics for Fusion and Applications, 5th French-Polish Seminar on Thermal Plasma in Space and Laboratory, Opole-Turawa, Poland 6-9 September 2005, pp.311-314.

  5. J. Jabłoński, S. Głowacz, H. Hora, J. Badziak,
    "Numerical Investigation of the Rippling Effect at the Interaction of an Ultrashort Laser Pulse with Inhomogeneous Plasma",
    PLASMA 2005, International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas, 3rd German-Polish Conference of Plasma Diagnostics for Fusion and Applications, 5th French-Polish Seminar on Thermal Plasma in Space and Laboratory, Opole-Turawa, Poland 6-9 September 2005, pp.315-318.

  6. L.Juha, M.Bittner, D.Chvostova, V.Letal, J.Krasa, Z.Otcenasek , M.Kozlova, J.Polan, A.R.Prag, B.Rus, M.Stupka, J.Krzywinski, A.Andrejczuk, J.Pelka, R.Sobierajski, L.Ryć, J.Feldhaus, F.P.Boody, H.Fiedorowicz , A.Bartnik , J.Mikolajczyk , R.Rakowski , P.Kubat , L.Pina, M.Grisham 13, G.O.Vaschenko , C.S.Menoni , J.Rocca,
    "Short-wavelength ablation of solids: pulse duration and wavelength effects",
    Proc of SPIE, 2005, 5534, 95-107

  7. L.Juha, M.Bittner, D.Chvostova, V.Letal, J.Krasa, Z.Otcenasek, M.Kozlova, J.Polan, A.R.Prag, B.Rus, M.Stupka, J.Krzywinski, A.Andrejczuk, J.B.Pelka, R.Sobierajski, L.Ryć, J.Feldhaus, F.P.Boody, M.E.Grisham , G.O.Vaschenko , C.S.Menom , J.J.Rocca ,
    "XUV-laser induced ablation of PMMA with nano-, pico-,and femtosecond pulses",
    Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2005, 144-147, 929-932

  8. A. Kasperczuk, T. Pisarczyk, S. Borodziuk, E. Krousky, K. Masek, M. Pfeifer, K. Rohlena, S. Skala, J. Ullschmied, H. Hora,
    "Plasma jets generation by means of interaction of defocused laser beam with metallic targets of different mass density",
    33rd EPS Conf. on Plasma Phys. Rome, 19-23 June 2006 ECA Vol. 301, P-1.009 (2006)

  9. P. Kubes, J. Kravarik, P. Bklir, M. Scholz, M. Paduch, K. Tomaszewski, J. Ivanova-Stanik, B. Bienkowska, L. Karpiński, L. Ryć, L. Juha, J. Kràsa, M. J. Sadowski, E. Składnik-Sadowska, L. Jakubowski, A. Szydłowski, A. Malinowska, K. Malinowski, H. Schmidt,
    "Correlation of Radiation and Electron and Neutron Signals at PF-100",
    PLASMA 2005, International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas, 3rd German-Polish Conference of Plasma Diagnostics for Fusion and Applications, 5th French-Polish Seminar on Thermal Plasma in Space and Laboratory, Opole-Turawa, Poland 6-9 September 2005, pp.233-236.

  10. P. Macháč, L. Ryć,
    "Metal resistor bolometer on GaAs substrate"
    Proc. Of SPIE Viol. 6180 618005-1 (2006)

  11. Ph. Nicolai, V.T. Tikhonchuk, A. Kasperczuk, T. Pisarczyk, S. Borodziuk, K. Rohlena, J. Ullschmied,
    "Plasma jets produced in a single laser beam interaction with a planar target",
    33rd EPS Conf. on Plasma Phys. Rome, 19-23 June 2006 ECA Vol. 301, P-2.033 (2006)

  12. E. Rácz, I.B. Földes, L. Ryć,
    "X-Ray Radiation Measurements With Photodiodes In Plasmas Generated By 10^17W/cm2 Intensity KrF Excimer Laser Pulses",
    PLASMA 2005, International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas, 3rd German-Polish Conference of Plasma Diagnostics for Fusion and Applications, 5th French-Polish Seminar on Thermal Plasma in Space and Laboratory, Opole-Turawa, Poland 6-9 September 2005, pp.287-290.

  13. R.Rakowski, A.Bartnik, H.Fiedorowicz, R.Jarocki, J.Kostecki, J.Krzywiński, J.Mikołajczyk, L.Ryć, M.Szczurek, P.Wachulak,
    "Spectra and spatial measurement of laser-producted plasma EUV source for 13.5 nm based on double stream XE/He gas puff target",
    Proc of SPIE, 2005, 5958, 59582W-1

  14. M. Rosiński, J. Wołowski, J. Badziak, F.P. Boody, S. Gammino, J. Kràsa, L. Làska, A. Mezzasalma, P. Parys, M. Pfeifer, K. Rohlena, L. Torrisi, L. Ullschmied,
    "Investigation Of Plasma Produced By High-Energy Low-Intensity Laser Pulses For Implantation Of Ge Ions Into Si And SiO2 Substrates",
    PLASMA 2005, International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas, 3rd German-Polish Conference of Plasma Diagnostics for Fusion and Applications, 5th French-Polish Seminar on Thermal Plasma in Space and Laboratory, Opole-Turawa, Poland 6-9 September 2005, pp.303-306.

  15. L. Ryć, P. Macháč, A. Bartnik, L. Juha, J. Kaczmarczyk, J. Kràsa, J. Mikołajczyk, M. Bittner, M. Pfeifer, J. Ullschmied,
    "Application of Resistive Bolometer to Measurement of X-Ray Radiation from Laser Plasmas",
    PLASMA 2005, International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas, 3rd German-Polish Conference of Plasma Diagnostics for Fusion and Applications, 5th French-Polish Seminar on Thermal Plasma in Space and Laboratory, Opole-Turawa, Poland 6-9 September 2005, pp.275-278.

  16. L. Ryć, J. Kràsa, L. Làska, P. Parys, K. Rohlena, J. Skàla,
    "Three-Hump Curve of Laser X-Ray Emission vs. Varied Focusing Conditions",
    PLASMA 2005, International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas, 3rd German-Polish Conference of Plasma Diagnostics for Fusion and Applications, 5th French-Polish Seminar on Thermal Plasma in Space and Laboratory, Opole-Turawa, Poland 6-9 September 2005, pp.299-302.
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Research projects carried out at the IPPLM are funded by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science, the National Science Centre and by the European Commission within the framework of EUROfusion Consortium under grant agreement No 633053. Financial support comes also from the International Atomic Energy Agency, European Space Agency and LaserLab Consortium as well as from the Fusion for Energy Agency.

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