- L. And˘, L. Torrisi, S. Gammino, G. Ciavola, L. Celona L. Laska, J. Krasa, J. Wolowski, E. Woryna, and G. D. Shirkov
"Slow ion beams from a laser ion source for the ECLISE experiment"
Proceedings of PIBHI-2000, volume 72, pages 109-113, Bologna, 2001. SIF. - J. Badziak, S. Jablonski, J. Makowski, P. Parys, K. Platonov, L. Ryc, A. V. Vankov, J. Wolowski, and E. Woryna
"Acceleration of protons in thin double-layer targets irradiated by high-intensity picosecond laser pulse"
Proceedings of the International Symposium PLASMA 2001: Research and Applications of Plasmas, Warsaw, Poland, September 2001. An IPPLM CD-ROM. Paper P4.2. - J. Badziak, S. Jablonski, L. Juha, J. Krasa, J. Makowski, P. Parys, L. Ryc, A. V. Vankov, J. Wolowski, and E. Woryna
"Direct comparison of X-ray emission from picosecond and subnanosecond laser-produced plasmas"
Proceedings of the International Symposium PLASMA 2001: Research and Applications of Plasmas, Warsaw, Poland, September 2001. An IPPLM CD-ROM. Paper P4.3. - L. Laska, K. Jungwirth, J. Krasa, M. Pfeifer, K. Rohlena, J. Ullschmied, J. Badziak, P. Parys, J. Wolowski, E. Woryna, L. Ando, G. Ciavola, S. Gammino, and L. Torrisi
"Comparison of ions emitted from different laser-produced plasmas"
Proceedings of the International Symposium PLASMA 2001: Research and Applications of Plasmas, Warsaw, Poland, September 2001. An IPPLM CD-ROM. Paper O4.1. - L. L ska, J. Kr sa, M. Pfeifer, K. Rohlena, P. Parys, J. Wolowski, and E. Woryna
"Comparison of multiply charged ion production by different lasers"
Proceedings of PIBHI-2000, volume 72, pages 39-44, Bologna, 2001. SIF. - T. Pisarczyk and J. Kasperczuk
"Some results of investigation of X-ray emission from laser-produced plasma by the developed acquisition system"
ECLIM2000: 26th European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter, volume 4424 of Proc. of SPIE, pages 557-560, 2001. - T. Pisarczyk and A. Kasperczuk
"Methodology of determination of spatial distribution of electron density in a plasma stream of disturbed axial symmetry"
Proceedings of the International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, XXV ICPIG, volume 4, pages 217-218, Nagoya, Japan, July 2001. Nagoya University. - L. Ryc, J. Badziak, P. Parys, and W. Sysz
"Application of silicon photodiodes for studying X-ray emission from picosecond plasma"
Proceedings of the International Symposium PLASMA 2001: Research and Applications of Plasmas, Warsaw, Poland, September 2001.An IPPLM CD-ROM. Paper P4.8. - L. Ryc, M. Pfeifer, and W. Sysz
"Subnanosecond semiconductor detection head for X-ray diagnostics of laser plasmas"
Proceedings of the International Symposium PLASMA 2001: Research and Applications of Plasmas, Warsaw, Poland, September 2001. An IPPLM CD-ROM. Paper P8.20. - J. Wolowski, L. Celona, G. Ciavola, S. Gammino, J. Kr sa, L. L ska, P. Parys, K. Rohlena, L. Torrisi, and E. Woryna
"Influence of external magnetic and electric fields on properties of an ion beam emitted from laser-produced plasma"
ECLIM2000: 26th European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter, volume 4424 of Proc. of SPIE, pages 476-479, 2001. - J. Wolowski, L. And˘, S. Gammino, J. Kr sa, L. L ska, P. Parys, K. Rohlena, L. Torrisi, and E. Woryna
"Application of ion diagnostic methods to optimization of the laser ion sources"
Proceedings of PIBHI-2000, volume 72, pages 27-31, Bologna, 2001. SIF. - J. Wolowski, J. Badziak, J. Kr sa, L. L ska, P. Parys, K. Rohlena, and E. Woryna
"Investigations of ion emission from plasma produced by high-power 1ps laser pulse"
Proceedings of the International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, XXV ICPIG, volume 1, pages 11-12, Nagoya, Japan, July 2001. Nagoya University. - J. Wolowski, J. Badziak, F. P. Boody, H. Hora, V. Hnatowicz, K. Jungwirth, J. Kr sa, L. L ska, P. Parys, V. Perina, M. Pfeifer, K. Rohlena, L. Ryc, J. Ullschmied, and E. Woryna
"Experiments on the ion emission from the plasma produced by the new PALS laser system"
Proc. of the 28th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, volume 25A, pages 2037-2040, Funchal, Portugal, June 2001. An EPS CD-ROM, paper P5.078. - J. Wolowski, J. Badziak, P. Parys, E. Woryna, J. Krasa, L. Laska, M. Pfeifer, K. Rohlena, and J. Ullschmied
"Preliminary studies of the ion emission from the plasma produced by the new PALS laser system"
Proceedings of the International Symposium PLASMA 2001: Research and Applications of Plasmas, Warsaw, Poland, September 2001. An IPPLM CD-ROM. Paper P4.11. - E. Woryna, J. Badziak, J. Krasa, L. Laska, P. Parys, M. Pfeifer, K. Rohlena, R. Suchaäska, J. Ullschmied, and J. Wolowski
"Investigations of silver laser-produced plasma and crater from sub-nanosecond microablation"
Proceedings of the International Symposium PLASMA 2001: Research and Applications of Plasmas, Warsaw, Poland, September 2001. An IPPLM CD-ROM. Paper P4.15. - E. Woryna, J. Badziak, J. Krasa, L. Laska, J. Makowski, P. Parys, K. Rohlena, A. V. Vankov, and J. Wolowski
"Dependence of parameters of Au plasmas generated by sub-nanosecond and picosecond laser pulses"
Proceedings of the International Symposium PLASMA 2001: Research and Applications of Plasmas, Warsaw, Poland, September 2001. An IPPLM CD-ROM. Paper P4.14. - E. Woryna, J. Badziak, J. Krasa, L. Laska, J. Makowski, P. Parys, K. Rohlena, A. V. Vankov, and J. Wolowski
"Influence of the laser focus position on characteristics of Au plasmas generated by sub-nanosecond and picosecond laser pulses"
Proceedings of the International Symposium PLASMA 2001: Research and Applications of Plasmas, Warsaw, Poland, September 2001. An IPPLM CD-ROM. Paper P4.13. - E. Woryna, J. Badziak, J. Kr sa, L. L ska, J. Makowski, P. Parys, K. Rohlena, J. Wolowski, and A. B. Vankov
"Properties of high-z plasma produced by 1-picosecond laser pulse"
ECLIM2000: 26th European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter, volume 4424 of Proc. of SPIE, pages 592-595, 2001.