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[2] M. Krupka, S. Singh, T. Pisarczyk, J. Dostal, M. Kalal, J. Krasa, R. Dudzak, T. Burian, S. Jelinek, T. Chodukowski, Z. Rusiniak, M. Krus, and L. Juha, Design of modular multi-channel electron spectrometers for application in laser matter interaction experiments at Prague Asterix Laser System. Review of Scientific Instruments (2021) 92, 023514 https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0029849

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[5] J. Badziak, J. Domański, Laser-driven acceleration of ion beams for ion fast ignition: the effect of the laser wavelength on the ion beam properties. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (2021) 63, 055005 https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6587/abe958

[6] P. Rączka, J. Cikhardt, M. Pfeifer, J. Krasa, M. Krupka, T. Burian, M. Krus, T. Pisarczyk, J. Dostal, R. Dudzak, J. Badziak, Measurement of strong electromagnetic pulses generated from solid targets at sub-ns kJ-class PALS laser facility. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (2021), 103114 https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6587/ac087f

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[8] K. Jach, T. Pisarczyk, W. Stępniewski, R. Świerczyński, J. Krasa, T. Chodukowski, Z. Rusiniak, A. Zaraś-Szydłowska, J. Dostal, R. Dudzak, L. Juha, I. Kochetkov, M. Krupka, 2D MHD simulation of spontaneous magnetic fields generated during interaction of 1315.2-nm laser radiation with copper slabs at 1016 W/cm2. Physics of Plasmas (2021) 28, 092704 https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0054283

[9] K. Batani, A. Aliverdiev, R. Benocci, R. Dezulian, A. Amirova, E. Krousky, M. Pfeifer, J. Skala, R. Dudzak, W. Nazarov, D. Batani, Shock dynamics and shock collision in foam layered targets. High Power Laser Science and Engineering (2021) 9, 14pp https://doi.org/10.1017/hpl.2021.33

[10] I. Kochetkov, T. Pisarczyk, M. Kalal, T. Chodukowski, A. Zaraś-Szydłowska, Z. Rusiniak, R. Dudzak, J. Dostal, M. Krupka, L. Juha, P. Korneev, Complex interferometry of magnetized plasma: accuracy and limitations. Physics of Plasmas (2021) 28, 102110 https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0063162

[11] D. Mancelli, I. Errea, A. Tentori, O. Turianska, H. Larreur, K. Katagiri, N. Ozaki, N. Kamimura, D. Kamibayashi, K. Ishida, H. Ogura, K. Kawasaki, Y. Maeda, Y. Hironaka, K. Shigemori, K. Batani, G. Schaumann, O. Rosmej, P. Neumayer, B. Zielbauer, A. Martynenko, E. Filippov, S. Pikuz, D. Batani, Shock hugoniot datafor water up to 5 Mbar obtained with quartz standard at high-energy laser facilities. Laser and Particle Beams (2021) 41, 41522 https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/4141522

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Research projects carried out at the IPPLM are funded by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science, the National Science Centre and by the European Commission within the framework of EUROfusion Consortium under grant agreement No 633053. Financial support comes also from the International Atomic Energy Agency, European Space Agency and LaserLab Consortium as well as from the Fusion for Energy Agency.

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