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[3] C. Reverdin, S. Bastiani, D. Batani, E. Brambrink, G. Boutoux, A. Duval, S. Hulin, K. Jakubowska, M. Koenig, L.Lantuejjjoul-Thfoin, L. Lecherbourg, C. Szabo, B. Vauzour, SPECTIX a PETAL+ X ray spectrometer: design, calibration and preliminary tests. Journal of Instrumentation (2018) 13, 1-6
[4] D. Batani, G. Boutoux, F. Burgy, K. Jakubowska, J. Ducret, Proton acceleration measurements using fs laser irradiation of foils in the target normal sheath acceleration regime. Physics of Plasmas (2018) 25, 1-4
[5] J. Dubois, P. Rączka, S. HulinM. Rosiński, L. Ryć, P. Parys, A. Zaraś-Szydłowska, D. Makaruk, P. Tchórz, J. Badziak, J. Wołowski, J. Ribolzi, V. Tikhonchuk, Experimental demonstration of an electromagnetic pulse mitigation concept for a laser driven proton source. Review of Scientific Instruments (2018) 89, 1-8
[6] J. Domański, J. Badziak, Ultra-intense femtosecond super-heavy ion beams driven. Physics Letters A (2018) 382, 3412-3417
[7] T. Pisarczyk, S. Guskov, R. Dudzak, O. Renner, D. Batani, T. Chodukowski, Z. Rusiniak, J. Dostal, N. Demchenko, M. Rosiński, P. Parys, M. Smid, P. Korneev, E. Krousky, S. Borodziuk, J. Badziak, L. Antonelli, L. Gizzi, G. Cristoforretti, P. Koester, Y. Maheut, L. Volpe, F. Baffigi, T. Levato, J. Skala, A. Zaraś-Szydłowska, J. Trela, D. Mancelli, J. Ullschmied, M. Pfeifer, L. Juha, M. Krus, J. Hrebicek, T. Medrik, K. Jungwirth, M. Krupka, P. Pisarczyk, Wavelength dependence of laser plasma interaction related to shock ignition approach. Laser and Particle Beams (2018) 36, 405-426
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[9] J. Krasa, D. Klir, K. Rezac, J. Cikhardt, M. Krus, A. Velyhan, M. Pfeifer, S. Buryskova, J. Dostal, T. Burian, R. Dudzak, K. Turek, T. Pisarczyk, Z. Kalinowska, T. Chodukowski, J. Kaufman, Production of relativistic electrons, MeV deuterons and protons by sub-nanosecond terawatt laser. Physics of Plasmas (2018) 25, 1-10
[10] T. Pisarczyk, S. Guskov, A. Zaras-Szydłowska, R. Dudzak, O. Renner, T. Chodukowski, J. Dostal, Z. Rusiniak, T. Burian, N. Borisenko, M. Rosinski, M. Krupka, P. Parys, D. Klir, J. Cikhardt, K. Rezac, J. Krasa, Y.-J. Rhee, P. Kubes, S. Singh, S. Borodziuk, M. Krus, L. Juha, K. Jungwirth, J. Hrebicek, T. Medrik, J. Golasowski, M. Pfeifer, J. Skala, P. Pisarczyk, P. Korneev, Magnetized plasma implosion in a snail target driven by a moderate-intensity laser pulse. Scientific Reports of the Nature Publishing Group (2018) 8, 1-10
[11] M. Afshari, L. Antonelli, F. Barbato, G. Folpini, K. Jakubowska, E. Krousky, O. Renner, M. Smid, D. Batani, Semi-analytical approaches to study hot electrons in the shock ignition regime. Physics of Plasmas (2018) 25, 1-8
[12] P. Rączka, J. Dubois, S. Hulin, M. Rosiński, A. Zaraś-Szydłowska, J. Badziak, Strong electromagnetic pulses generated in high-intensity laser-matter interactions. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2018) 959, 7pp
[13] J. Badziak, Laser-driven ion acceleration: methods, challenges and prospects. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2018) 959, 15pp
[14] J. Domański, J. Badziak, S. Jabłoński, Proton acceleration in two-species targets irradiated by an ultra-intense femtosecond laser pulse. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2018) 959, 4pp
[15] J. Badziak, M. Kucharik, R. Liska, Generation of sub-gigabar-pressure shocks by a hyper-velocity impact on the collider driven by laser-induced cavity pressure. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2018) 959, 6pp
[16] J. Domański, J. Badziak, M. Marchwiany, Laser accelerator of ions with a petawatt laser driver: numerical studies of generation of ultra-short heavy ion beams. Proceedings of SPIE (2018) 10974, 109740Z
[17] K. Jakubowska, Short-pulse laser-driven strong shock waves. Springer Series in Chemical Physics (2018) 118, 271-286