[1]  J. Badziak, M. Rosiński, E. Krousky, M. Kucharik, R. Liska, J. Ullschmied, Generation of ultra-high-pressure shocks by collision of a fast plasma projectile driven in the laser-induced cavity pressure acceleration scheme with a solid target. Physics of Plasmas (2015) 22, 1-11

[2]  T. Pisarczyk, S. Gus'kov, O. Renner, N. Demchenko, Z. Kalinowska, T. Chodukowski, M. Rosiński, P. Parys, M. Smid, J. Dostal, J. Badziak, D. Batani, L. Volpe, E. Krousky, R. Dudzak, J. Ullschmied, H. Turcicova, J. Hrebicek, T. Medrik, M. Pfeifer, J. Skala, A. Zaraś-Szydłowska, L. Antonelli, Y. Maheut, S. Borodziuk, A. Kasperczuk, P. Pisarczyk, Pre-plasma effect on laser beam energy transfer to a dense target under conditions relevant to shock ignition. Laser and Particle Beams (2015), 1-16

[3]  A. Bartnik, P. Wachulak, T. Fok, Ł. Węgrzyński, H. Fiedorowicz, T. Pisarczyk, T. Chodukowski, Z. Kalinowska, R. Dudzak, J. Dostal, E. Krousky, J. Skala, J. Ullschmied, J. Hrebicek, T. Medrik, Photoionized plasmas induced in neon with extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray pulses produced using low and high energy laser systems. Physics of Plasmas (2015) 22, 1-9

[4]  A. Kasperczuk, T. Pisarczyk, T. Chodukowski, Z. Kalinowska, W. Stępniewski, K. Jach, R. Świerczyński, O. Renner, M. Smid, J. Ullschmied, J. Cikhardt, D. Klir, P. Kubes, K. Rezac, E. Krousky, M. Pfeifer, J. Skala, Efficiency of ablative plasma energy transfer into a massive aluminum target using different atomic number ablators. Laser and Particle Beams (2015), 1-8

[5]  A. Zaraś-Szydłowska, J. Badziak, M. Rosiński, J. Makowski, P. Parys, M. Piotrowski, L. Ryć, J. Wołowski, High Power Laser Laboratory at the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion: equipment and preliminary research. Nukleonika (2015) 60, 2:245-248

[6]  J. Domański, J. Badziak, S. Jabłoński, Numerical simulations of generation of high-energy ion beams driven by a petawatt femtosecond laser. Nukleonika (2015) 60, 2:229-232

[7]  V. Gribkov, R. Miklaszewski, M. Paduch, E. Zielińska, M. Chernyshova, T. Pisarczyk, V. Pimenov, E. Demina, J. Niemela, M. Crespo, A. Cicuttin, K. Tomaszewski, M. Sadowski, E. Skladnik-Sadowska, K. Pytel, A. Zawadka, G. Giannini, F. Longo, A. Talab, S. Ul'yanenko, Dense Plasma Focus: physics and applications (radiation material science, single-shot disclosure of hidden illegal objects, radiation biology and medicine, etc.). Journal of Physics (2015) 591, 12020:1-19

[8]  J. Wołowski, P. Parys, M. Rosiński, L. Ryć, E. Woryna, Ion and X-ray techniques used for study of laser-produced plasmas. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids (2015) 170, 337-346

[9]  J. Badziak, Generation of ultra-intense ion beams by a short-pulse laser. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids (2015) 170, 256-270

[10]  J. Badziak, L. Antonelli, F. Baffigi, D. Batani, T. Chodukowski, G. Cristoforetti, R. Dudzak, L. Gizzi, G. Folpini, F. Hall, Z. Kalinowska, P. Koester, E. Krousky, M. Kucharik, L. Labate, R. Liska, G. Malka, Y. Maheut, P. Parys, M. Pfeifer, T. Pisarczyk, O. Renner, M. Rosiński, L. Ryć, J. Skala, M. Smid, C. Spindloe, J. Ullschmied, A. Zaraś-Szydłowska, Studies of ablated plasma and shock produced in a planar target by a sub-nanosecond laser pulse of intensity relevant to shock ignition. Laser and Particle Beams (2015) 33, 561-575

[11]  T. Nakano, A. Shumack, C. Maggi, M. Reinke, K. Lawson, I. Coffey, T. Putterich, S. Brezinsek, B. Lipschultz, G. Matthews, M. Chernyshova, K. Jakubowska, M. Scholz, J. Rzadkiewicz, T. Czarski, W. Dominik, G. Kasprowicz, K. Poźniak, W. Zabolotny, K. Zastrow, N. Conway, Determination of tungsten and molybdenum concentrations from an x-ray range spectrum in JET with the ITER-like wall configuration. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (2015) 48

[12]  A. Bartnik, P. Wachulak, T. Fok, Ł. Węgrzyński, H. Fiedorowicz, W. Skrzeczanowski, T. Pisarczyk, T. Chodukowski, Z. Kalinowska, R. Dudzak, J. Dostal, E. Krousky, J. Skala, J. Ullschmied, J. Hrebicek, T. Medrik, Photoionized argon plasmas induced with intense soft x-ray and extreme ultraviolet pulses. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (2015) 58, 1-9

[13]  A. Bartnik, T. Pisarczyk, P. Wachulak, T. Chodukowski, T. Fok, Ł. Węgrzyński, Z. Kalinowska, H. Fiedorowicz, R. Jarocki, M. Szczurek, E. Krousky, M. Pfeifer, J. Skala, J. Ullschmied, J. Dostal, R. Dudzak, J. Hrebicek, T. Medrik, J. Cikhardt, B. Cikhardtova, D. Klir, K. Rezac, L. Pina, Photoionized plasmas in laboratory: a connection to astrophysics and planetary sciences. Proceedings of SPIE (2015) 9510, 1-10

[14]  T. Pisarczyk, S. Guskov, R. Dudzak, T. Chodukowski, J. Dostal, N. Demchenko, P. Korneev, Z. Kalinowska, M. Kalal, O. Renner, M. Smid, S. Borodziuk, E. Krousky, J. Ullschmied, J. Hrebicek, T. Medrik, J. Golasowski, M. Pfeifer, J. Skala, P. Pisarczyk, Space-time resolved measurements of spontaneous magnetic fields in laser-produced plasma. Physics of Plasmas (2015) 22, 1-8

[15]  A. Aliverdiev, D. Batani, A. Amirova, R. Benocci, R. Dezulian, E. Krousky, M. Pfeifer, J. Skala, R. Dudzak, K. Jakubowska, Shock dynamics induced by double-spot laser irradiation of layered targets. Nukleonika (2015) 60, 213-219

[16]  G. Boutoux, N. Rabhi, D. Batani, A. Binet, J. Ducret, K. Jakubowska, J. Negre, C. Reverdin, I. Thfoin, Study of imaging plate detector sensitivity to 5-18 MeV electrons. Review of Scientific Instruments (2015) 86, 1-9

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Research projects carried out at the IPPLM are funded by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science, the National Science Centre and by the European Commission within the framework of EUROfusion Consortium under grant agreement No 633053. Financial support comes also from the International Atomic Energy Agency, European Space Agency and LaserLab Consortium as well as from the Fusion for Energy Agency.

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